Project Title: Connected Coast Network on Federal Lands – Quatsino and Nootka Island Lightstations Notice of Determination

August 25, 2023 – Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) have decided that the proposed Connected Coast Partnership project, the subsea fibre-optic network at two DFO/CCG coastal landing sites in British Columbia, is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. 
This determination was based on a consideration of the following factors:

•    any impacts that the project may have on the rights of Indigenous peoples;
•    Indigenous knowledge;
•    community knowledge;
•    comments received from the public; and
•    technically and economically feasible mitigation measures.

Mitigation measures were taken into account for this determination are summarized below:  

•    A pre-construction marine survey will be conducted to map eelgrass and kelp beds at each landing site. If eelgrass or kelp beds are present, the Environmental Monitor (EM) and construction supervisor will determine if re-routing is feasible. If eelgrass or kelp beds are unavoidable, the marine survey will inform the route of least impact and the split pipe will be installed using a float-and-lower method, which is less impactful to the seabed than the pull method. A post-construction video survey will be completed.
•    A pre-construction bird nest sweep will be conducted prior to construction at each landing site. If a nest is identified during the pre-disturbance survey or during construction, the EM will stop work. Work will not proceed until a nest management plan is developed.
•    Measures for discharge and spill management will be implemented, including visual monitoring for turbidity plumes and refueling of equipment within secondary containment. 
•    A qualified EM will be present for all portions of the marine landing construction. The EM will be responsible for monitoring, tracking and ensuring mitigation measures are implemented appropriately. 
•    Additional mitigation measures and a Construction Environmental Management Plan will be implemented for the physical works. 

DFO/CCG is the proponent of the proposed project, providing financial assistance to allow the project to proceed at the Quatsino and Nootka Island Lightstations. DFO/CCG is satisfied that the carrying out of the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects, on areas of federal jurisdiction. DFO and CCG may perform any duty or function to enable the project to be carried out in whole or in part. Environmental effects that are within provincial jurisdiction would be addressed through provincial regulations.

Document reference number: 2

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