Public Notice

Air Canada New Type I and Type IV Glycol Storage System – Public Comments Invited

July 7, 2027 – Charlottetown Airport Authority must determine whether the proposed Air Canada New Type I and Type IV Glycol Storage System, located in Charlottetown is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

To help inform this determination, Charlottetown Airport Authority is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination. All comments received will be considered public and may be posted online.

Written comments must be submitted by August 6, 2023 at 4:00 PM ADT to:

Meghan Senechal
250 Maple Hills Ave, Suite 132
902-566-7997 ext. 244

The Proposed Project

The Proposed Project includes the removal of an existing 60,000L Type I De-Icing fluid storage tank, associated piping and controls, and the installation a new 60,000L aboveground double-walled steel horizontal compartmental storage tank (approximately 2.45m diameter x 13.70m long), storing 25,000L of Type IV De-Icing fluid, and 35,000L of Type I De-Icing fluid, complete with new product transfer pumps, piping and loading systems.  The new storage tank will be anchored to new reinforced concrete footings.  The transfer pumps will be installed on the existing reinforced concrete tank foundation from the removed Type I De-Icing fluid tank. The storage tank and transfer pumps will be installed inside the existing lined earthen dike at the Charlottetown Airport Jet A1 Tank Farm.  The system will be used to load de-icing fluids into mobile de-icing spray vehicles, for use in de-icing aircraft.  Spray vehicles being loaded by the system will be parked on the existing concrete environmental apron, complete with catch basins, draining to the facility's existing wastewater handling systems.  Equipment at the truck loading station will be protected from vehicle impact by concrete filled steel bollards.

Ground disturbance will be limited to hydro-excavation for the following:

  • Installation of four 150mm diameter, steel, concrete filled traffic bollards at the south end of the existing de-icing transfer station (approximate trench dimensions are 1m wide, 5m long and 1.8m deep)
  • Installation of an electrical trench from the Menzies Office electrical room to the southeast corner of the existing Jet A1 fuel-transfer pump station.  The electrical trench will be approximately 20m long and approximately 600mm wide by 1m deep.
  • Extension (north) of the existing de-icing transfer station, resulting in the removal of topsoil and sod in an area of approximately 5m x 5m.

If potential soil contamination is encountered, all excavated soils will remain on-site until analyzed or will be disposed in accordance with federal and provincial environmental regulations.  Based on historical environmental monitoring well data, groundwater is not anticipated to be encountered.

Construction Risk Mitigation Measures will include the following:

  • Rubbish, demolition debris, and waste materials will not be buried on site.
  • Construction and demolition debris and waste materials will be disposed of and recycled in an appropriate manner in accordance with Provincial Waste Management Regulations and Municipal laws and policies.
  • All machinery will be in good working order and not leaking fuels or lubricants.
  • Idling of equipment and vehicles will be limited to the extent necessary.
  • Food scraps and garbage will not be left at the work site.
  • Construction personnel will be responsible for reporting any unusual materials unearthed during construction activities.
    • In those situations where the find is believed to be an archaeological resource, the contractor will immediately stop work in the vicinity of the find and notify Air Canada project manager, who will contact the Airport Authority. Works can only resume in the vicinity of the find when authorized by the Airport Authority.
  • Contractor will keep an emergency spill kit on site, complete with containment and absorbent materials (absorbent pads, booms, containers) for the scale of the project and will be readily available to work crews to carry out emergency spill clean-up. Contractor staff is training in emergency spill response.
  • Machinery will be washed, refueled and serviced off site.
  • Work will be completed in such a way as to prevent any deleterious substances from entering watercourses (the nearest mapped watercourse is approximately 1 km from the work area).
  • The environmental concrete apron associated with the JetA1 fuel transfer area drains to an oil-water separator and is equipped with an emergency shut off valve in the event of a large spill.
  • A licensed, experienced and reputable storage tank contractor will be used to complete the project.
  • All necessary precautions will be taken to avoid spills and contamination to the soil and water when handling petroleum products or other chemicals.
  • All spills or leaks will be promptly contained, cleaned up, and reported to the 24-Hour Environmental Emergencies Report System (1-800-565-1633).

Health and Safety:

  • Site access will be restricted to authorized construction personnel and authorized visitors.
  • Workers in contact with hazardous materials will be provided with appropriate personal protective equipment and awareness training.
  • Proper safety procedures will be followed for the duration of the project as per applicable municipal, provincial, and federal regulations.
  • Employees will be trained in health and safety protocols (e.g. safe work practices, emergency response).

Document reference number: 1

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