Road Upgrade Project – Mi'kmaq Lane – Public Comments Invited

June 8, 2023 Indigenous Services Canada must determine whether the proposed Road Upgrade Project – Mi'kmaq Lane, located in Indian Island First Nation, is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

To help inform this determination, Indigenous Services Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination. All comments received will be considered public and may be posted online.

Written comments must be submitted by July 8, 2023, to:

Indigenous Services Canada – Environment

PO BOX 160

Amherst, NS

B4H 3Z3

The Proposed Project

The project will upgrade a current 660m long chip seal road with ditches. The proposed upgrade was triggered by the need to fix ongoing deterioration as well as to improve drainage conditions and minimize annual maintence needs. Proposed upgrades to Mi'kmaq Lane will also require approximately 900m2 of clearing, drainage improvements to portions of Island Drive, including two cross culverts.

Proposed activities include:

  • Removal of the existing road surface of Mi'kmaq Lane and replacement with new surface and subgrade reinforcement;
  • Construction of 1700m of new ditching along Mi'kmaq Lane;
  • Installation of seventeen driveway culverts, and five 600mm cross-culverts to improve and manage drainage;
  • Construction of a ditched outfalls to discharge stormwater runoff – one south from Mi'kmaq Lane into Gaspereau Creek and another northwest from Island Drive into Richibucto Harbour.

Document reference number: 1

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