Rocky Point Subdivision – Eksasoni First Nation – Public Comments Invited

June 7, 2023 Indigenous Services Canada must determine whether the proposed Rocky Point Subdivision – Eskasoni First Nation, located in Eskasoni First Nation, is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

To help inform this determination, Indigenous Services Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination. All comments received will be considered public and may be posted online.

Written comments must be submitted by July 7, 2023, to:

Indigenous Services Canada – Environment

PO BOX 160

Amherst, NS

B4H 3Z3

The Proposed Project

The project includes the development of a 24 lot residential subdivision to be located on an approximately 5 hectare parcel of land off Rocky Point Drive in the west end of the community of Eskasoni. The construction phase will consist of clearing and grubbing a 20 meter right-of-way which will accommodate the subdivision road and will include installation of 200 mm gravity PVC sewer mains and 200 mm PVC water mains. The water main will be connected to a 200 mm water main on Rocky Point Drive. The gravity sewers will head in two directions. Portion of the development will connect to the gravity sewers on Rocky Point Drive and the remainder will flow in the opposite direction to a pump station which is located on Anslum Road.

Activities include road grubbing, construction of access roads along installation of water and sewer piping and final road construction and paving.

Document reference number: 1

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