Notice of Determination

YMX International Aerocity of Mirabel - Rehabilitation of a Former Fuel Reception and Distribution Center

June 5, 2023 – ADM Aéroports de Montréal has determined that the proposed project for the rehabilitation of a former fuel reception and distribution center at YMX International Aerocity of Mirabel is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects by applying the mitigation measures planned for the project.

This determination was based on a consideration of the following factors:

  • Technically and economically feasible mitigation measures listed below;
  • Community knowledge;
  • Indigenous knowledge and impacts on rights of Indigenous peoples.

The mitigation measures considered for this determination are as follows:

Air quality and climate change:

  • Maintain trucks and all machinery in good working order.
  • Limit idling of vehicles and machinery.
  • Provide a mechanical broom for all work that causes sediment on the roads.
  • Tarp or water mounds of soil, sand, gravel or crushed stone.
  • During the transport of materials containing fine particles, cover them at all times with firmly fixed tarpaulins.
  • Manage the recovery and disposal of hazardous substances according to applicable regulations and good environmental practices.

Noise and vibration :

  • To the extent possible, limit the height of falls to 2 m at the transfer points and limit the impulsive noise of the tailgates.

Soils and groundwater :

  • Manage the recovery and disposal of hazardous substances according to applicable regulations and good environmental practices.
  • Manage contaminated soil and groundwater in accordance with applicable regulations.
  • Ensure the presence at all times of a spill kit.

Hydrology and surface water quality

  • Install sediment barriers along site drainage ditches.
  • Manage excavation water in accordance with the measures indicated in the rehabilitation plan.

Vegetation and wetlands :

  • Reduce, if necessary, the speed of traffic on the site.

Wildlife :

  • Reduce, if necessary, the speed of traffic on the site to reduce dust and the risk of collision with wildlife.
  • Limit temporary work areas and temporary roads within site boundaries.

Archeology and heritage :

  • Report any fortuitous archaeological or heritage discovery and stop work at the location of the discovery until it has been fully assessed by an archaeologist.


Accordingly, ADM Aéroports de Montréal may exercise its powers to allow the project to be carried out.


Document reference number: 2

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