Amendment- Active Management of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site – Public comments invited from March 30 to May 19, 2023

March 30, 2023 – Parks Canada must decide whether the proposed project amendment to Active Management of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. Parks Canada will be assessing this project using a Detailed Impact Assessment.

To help inform this decision, Parks Canada is issuing this notice of intent to make a determination and inviting comments from the public on the project's potential effects on the environment as the public consultation for this proposal. All comments received will be considered public. For more information on the public nature of your comments, individuals should consult the Privacy Notice on the Registry website.

In order to submit comments or request a copy of the draft Detailed Impact Assessment report, contact:

Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site
P.O. Box 236 Maitland Bridge, Nova Scotia B0T 1B0
Telephone: 902-682-2770

Comments must be submitted by May 19, 2023.

Project Summary: In 2021, Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site (Kejimkujik) initiated a pilot project for the active management of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA). A detailed impact assessment was completed to assess the impacts of the project. Parks Canada issued a notice of determination under the Impact Assessment Act, indicating that the project was not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

Amendment- Scope of Assessment Kejimkujik is proposing an amendment to the 2021 detailed impact assessment to assess the impacts of an updated integrated pest management (IPM) strategy that represents a modification to the previously assessed project scope. The updated IPM proposes the introduction of biocontrol agents, new chemicals, and a new pesticide application method. The Mi'kmaq of Nova Scotia will continue to play an active role in the co-management of planning and implementation of the strategy to protect key hemlock stands in Kejimkujik. Valued components to be assessed include: Eastern hemlock forests, non-target invertebrates, amphibians, forest birds, mycorrhizal networks, visitor access and enjoyment, and health of the Mi'kmaq.

Document reference number: 3

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