Dorval – 2023-03-28 – Transport Canada has determined that the proposed project to install scaffolding under the bridge at Valéro Inc.'s facilities on the St. Lawrence River in Lévis in the Chaudière-Appalaches region is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.  

This determination is base on a consideration of the following factors:  

  • impacts on rights of Indigenous peoples;    

  • community knowledge; and  

  • technically and economically feasible mitigation measures.  

Mitigation measures taken into account for this determination are: 

Quality of water, air, and sound environment

  • Clean machinery before arriving at the work site
  • No machinery in poor condition may circulate on the refinery sites.
  • The work will be carried out in a waterproof canvas shelter.
  • Vacuum sandblasting residues and include a HEPA filter.
  • Apply a lead management procedure to avoid contaminating the outside of the pen as required by the RoHS Directives (changing area, shower, etc.).
  • Ensure that the Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emission will comply with clean air regulations.
  • The scaffolding will feature a floor and kick guards.
  • The work must be done in a watertight shelter.
  • Perform a security analysis of formal tasks to properly supervise the work.
  • Sandblasting residues should be vacuumed, and tools should have a HEPA filter.
  • A spill kit is always on-site to respond to pick-up spills. The kit contains absorbent materials to limit the impact of a spill.
  • Sandblasting residues and contaminated equipment (gloves, etc.) must be transported safely and disposed of according to the current regulations.
  • Attach the parts of the scaffolding system during installation to prevent them from falling into the water.
  • Carry out the daytime work between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Exceptionally, for reasons of movement of certain pieces of machinery or commercial activities, certain works may be carried out at night."
  • Limit trucking and turn off machinery and equipment engines when not in use. Ensure that the vehicles and equipment used are kept in perfect working order (e.g. exhaust system).
  • Use machinery and equipment in good working order to minimize noise.
  • Optimize maneuvers to minimize the duration of operations.
  • Cover dry materials and waste to prevent wind from raising dust or carrying debris.
  • Comply with current municipal noise by-laws and adjust machinery operations accordingly.
  • Meet the conditions prescribed for approval issued under the Canadian Navigable Waters Act (CNWA).

Protection of marine mammals and aquatic fauna

  • If a marine mammal species is observed within 200 m of the aquatic work area, interrupt the work and wait for the animal to move more than 200 m away.
  • If marine mammals are within the established radius of 200 m in the work area, the use of means to frighten animals should not be considered.


Protection of avian fauna

  • The Contractor must take reasonable steps to comply with laws and regulations relating to the presence of migratory birds, including, but not limited to, the Species at Risk Act, the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 and the Migratory Birds Regulations. Some measures to minimize impacts on birds include:
  • Minimize encroachment into the natural environment.
  • Particular care should be taken to avoid disturbing or destroying any migratory bird's nest.
  • Avoid approaching or disturbing any bird or a bird's nest if observed during the work.
  • Before work begins, check for waterfowl nesting on the structures where the work will take place. If nest(s) are found, notify the departmental representative immediately before commencing work.
  • If a nest containing migratory bird eggs or chicks is discovered near or in the work area, stop all noisy activities near the nesting site, and protect the nest(s) with a protection zone. Contact the departmental representative immediately who will contact ECCC's Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) to ensure that the correct actions are taken.
  • On the water or on land, stay at a sufficient distance so as not to disturb nesting birds. Signs that birds have been disturbed include an upright posture when brooding the nest, increased vocalization, and adult birds leaving their nests.
  • Avoid producing high-pitched or loud noises, honking or whistling, and constantly keep the engine at the same noise level.


Health and Safety

  • Maintain an adequate communication system between those responsible for the work and the users and plan the organization and mobilization of the site in collaboration with the users of the port to ensure a smooth running of activities and minimize inconvenience for users.
  • Put in place a safety program specifying the signage that will be put in place and the restrictions on traffic in the various work sites.
  • Continuously monitor the cleanliness of the two access streets and clean them with a mechanical broom, when required.
  • Ensure continuous monitoring of vehicle movements associated with the construction site to avoid any encroachment on adjacent uses.
  • Restrict vehicular traffic and parking to authorized lanes and work areas.

Document reference number: 2

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