Dorval – 2023-03-23 – Transport Canada has determined that the proposed Relocation of the Vehicle Cemetery at the Motor Vehicle Test Center in Blainville, is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.  

This determination is base on a consideration of the following factors:  

  • impacts on rights of Indigenous peoples;    

  • community knowledge; and  

  • technically and economically feasible mitigation measures.  

Mitigation measures taken into account for this determination are:   

Air, soil, water quality and noise environment  

-Adopt a working method that minimizes dust emission. The use of a dust suppressant should be consider. Keep the job site clean to limit dust growth.  

-Optimize maneuvers to minimize the duration of operations.  

-Turn off machinery and equipment motors when not in use.   

-Ensure the vehicles and equipment are in perfect working order (e.g. exhaust system).  

-When transporting fine materials the dump trucks must be covered with securely fixed tarps.  

-In the event that excavated soil cannot be deposited directly in dump trucks, provide a soil protection system (impermeable and weighted membrane) in the areas between the excavation and the truck loading area large enough to contain the soil waiting to be managed.  

- In the event of the excavation of soils with signs of contamination, they must be placed on a membrane, analyzed and covered with a waterproof membrane until they are managed in accordance with the standards in force.  

- Piles of materials must be stored at least 30 m from any ditch or watercourse and must be covered with watertight tarps for prolonged storage. During temporary storage, when wind conditions so require, the floors will be covered with a canvas, as the equipment dries out, to avoid significant transport of fine particles by the wind.   


-Debris will need to be picked up as and when and put in the appropriate containers to prevent its dispersion into the environment.  

-In the event that visual or olfactory signs of contamination are observed, the soil in question that has been excavated must be piled on a waterproof membrane and sampled in order to carry out a management in accordance with the regulations in force.  

- Make sure to backfill with clean materials.  

-Install sediment barriers when working in ditches to reduce the input of suspended solids into watercourses.  

- Remove and stabilize all excavated material outside ditches and ensure they do not fall into ditches.  

-Consider weather conditions and plan work to avoid wet, rainy and wind periods that could promote increased flow and/or increased erosion and sediment transport.  


-Monitor the ditch during all stages of the structure, undertaking or activity for signs of sediment input by taking corrective action if necessary.  

-Use biodegradable materials where possible to control erosion and sediment transport, and remove all non-biodegradable sediment erosion control and transport materials exposed once the site is stabilized.  

- Avoid leaving soils bare and implement, if necessary, a temporary soil retention system to prevent runoff from the work site from being in ditches or watercourses on or near the work site.  

-Comply with current municipal noise regulations and adjust machinery operations accordingly, if applicable.  

-Attempt to limit trucking and turn off machinery and equipment engines when not in use.  

-Use machinery and equipment in good working order to minimize noise.  

-Optimize maneuvers to minimize the duration of operations.  



-Do not circulate in wetlands.  

-Felled ash trees as well as wood residues mixed with ash will have to be managed separately.  

- Set up a working method and identify the places of disposal of waste recognized by the MELCCFP, including the disposal of ash residues, if applicable.  

-Carry out the felling of trees so as to prevent them from falling into water bodies; If necessary, clean the water body.  

-Clearly identify deforestation boundaries on the ground before undertaking it. Ensure that trees outside these boundaries are not cut or damaged and that no vehicles or construction equipment are operating without authorization.  

-Ensure the protection of trees and shrubs and their roots around the work area  


Fish and fish habitat  

-When work must be carried out in water, isolate the work area so as to work dry or limit the supply of sediment to the aquatic environment (e.g. cofferdams, damming and pumping, temporary diversion, turbidity curtain).  

-Debris from the site or it's construction shouldn't be accidently or not released into the aquatic environment. A debris accidentally introduced into the aquatic environment needs to be removed as soon as possible.  

Avian species and species at risk  

-Do not make any deforestation during the nesting period of birds, from April 15 to August 31.  

-If a nest containing migratory bird eggs or chicks is discovered in the work area or in the parking area once constructed, stop all noisy activities in the vicinity of the nesting site, protect the nest(s) with a protection zone. Contact the departmental representative immediately. Contact ECCC's Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) and follow their directive and guidance to ensure that the right actions are taken.  

-If migratory birds are found to be nesting in the vicinity of the work or the parking area once constructed, and the work may cause disturbance or destruction of a nest or eggs, the work or storage of vehicles must be interrupted until the young have left the nest. The contractor must take the necessary measures to ensure he meets its obligations under this law.  

-Stop work if a species at risk is observed in the work area. Contact your departmental representative.  

-Do not clear trees during the nesting period, from April 15 to August 31.  

-The eastern whip-poor-will usually nests in forests in the early stages of succession, on rocky capes or sandy deposits populated by sparse trees, meadows, old burns and sparse coniferous plantations. In urban areas, they can nest on the ground in gravelly areas. Thus, if a whip-poor-will nest containing eggs or chicks is discovered in the work area, cease all noisy activities in the vicinity of the nesting site and protect the nest with a protection zone. Contact the departmental representative immediately. Contact ECCC's Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) and follow their directive and guidance to ensure that the right actions are taken.  

-The eastern whip-poor-will could also nest in the parking area, on gravel. If a nest containing eggs or chicks is discovered, and the work may cause disturbance or destruction of a nest or eggs, the work or storage of vehicles must be interrupted until the young have left the nest. The contractor must take the necessary measures to ensure he meets its obligations under this law.  


Invasive species  

-If invasive species of plants are present on-site, ensure a management method is in place according to IAS to limit their spread.  


Accidents and malfunctions  

- Do not discharge material into the watercourse. If materials have been accidentally spilled, recover them as soon as possible.   

-Report immediately any accidental spill to the person in charge of the emergency plan of the project who will ensure to contact without delay the authorities concerned including the ministry, to identify the affected area, to clean up and to manage in accordance with accurate the laws and regulations, the contaminated soil as well as the residual soil left in place, the petroleum residues and other hazardous residual materials, if applicable.  

-In the event of a spill, the contractor must take all possible actions to dryout the source of the spill within the limits recommended by safety. A dam and/or oil-absorbing mat need to be deployed to hold the spill. Carpets must be stored in an identified container and towed in place to absorb or retain the spill. A characterization of the soil quality on-site, confirming that it was rehabilitized, should be conducted to the satisfaction of the ministry.  


- Plan the works to prevent the release of materials and other chemicals or hazards into the natural environment (e.g. grout, paint, oil, and more).  

- Keep all site machinery clean and free of liquid leaks to prevent any substance from entering the natural environment  

- Wash, refuel and maintain machinery and store fuel and other materials used in the operation of machinery so that harmful substances do not infiltrate the natural environment, such as 30 m from any watercourse.  

- Remove all material residues (including construction, demolition or commercial materials) outside nearby ditches or waterways to prevent them from re-entering the natural environment.  

-The contractor must comply with all applicable regulations concerning the transportation, storage, handling and disposal of hazardous materials and hazardous waste.  


Health and safety  

- Develop a response plan to be implemented immediately in the event of a spill of a harmful substance.   

- At all time, keep a spill kit on-site for harmful substances.  

-Develop a health and safety plan to guarantee the safety of workers on sites.  

-Ensure that the work area is marked and is not freely accessible to employees and users of the Motor Vehicle Test Center (MVTC).  


Transport Canada considers the project unlikely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.   

Therefore, Transport Canada may carry out the project, exercise its powers, perform any duty or function. Transport Canada may provide financial assistance to enable the project to proceed in whole or in parts.  




Document reference number: 3

Date modified: