Notice of Determination 

Maple Ridge, B.C.December 9, 2022– The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority has determined that the proposed Above ground demolition – former Hammond Mill located between at 20580 Maple Crescent, Maple Ridge is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

This determination was based on a consideration of the following factors: 

  • Impacts on rights of Indigenous peoples  
  • Indigenous knowledge 
  • Technically and economically feasible mitigation measures 

Mitigation measures taken into account for this determination are:  

  • All works will be carried out in accordance with the construction environmental management plan 
  • A spill prevention, containment, and clean-up plan will be developed for the project, be available in the immediate working area, and project personnel will be trained on spill prevention, containment, and clean-up 
  • Sediment and erosion control measures shall be implemented prior to the start of demolition activities 
  • Measures to prevent and recover debris from the Fraser River are to be implemented prior to the start of demolition activities 
  • The Permit Holder shall provide opportunities for Katzie First Nation cultural monitors to monitor and be present on the Project site at all times during demolition works 
  • The Permit Holder shall stop work if a Katzie cultural monitor observes ground disturbing activities for the activities under this permit 

The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority is satisfied that the carrying out of the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. 

Therefore, the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority may carry out the project, exercise any power, perform any duty or function, or provide financial assistance to enable the project to be carried out in whole or in part.For up-to-date information on the project, visit our website.  

Document reference number: 2

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