From Impact Assessment Agency of Canada to Indigenous Communities re: Notice of Time Limit Suspension in the Planning Phase of the Potential Impact Asssessment for the Upper Beaver Gold Project

Impact Assessment Agency of Canada to Algonquins of Barriere Lake

Email - IAAC to Algonquins of Barriere Lake - Notice of Time Limit Suspension - Upper Beaver Gold Project (PDF – 323 KB)

Impact Assessment Agency of Canada to Beaverhouse Indigenous Community

Email - IAAC to Beaverhouse Indigenous Community - Notice of Time Limit Suspension - Upper Beaver Gold Project (PDF – 323 KB)

Impact Assessment Agency of Canada to Conseil de la Nation Anishnabe du Lac Simon (French only)

Courriel - De l'AEIC à la Conseil de la Nation Anishnabe du Lac Simon - Avis de suspension du délai avec motifs - projet aurifère Upper Beaver (PDF – 329 KB)

Impact Assessment Agency of Canada to Conseil de la Première Nation Abitiwinni (French only)

Courriel - De l'AEIC à la Conseil de la Première Nation Abitibiwinni - Avis de suspension du délai avec motifs - projet aurifère Upper Beaver (PDF – 330 KB)

Impact Assessment Agency of Canada to Conseil des Anicinapek de Kitcisakik (French only)

Courriel - De l'AEIC à la Conseil des Anicinapek Kitcisakik - Avis de suspension du délai avec motifs - projet aurifère Upper Beaver (PDF – 328 KB)

Impact Assessment Agency of Canada to Cree Nation Government

Email - IAAC to Cree Nation Government - Notice of Time Limit Suspension - Upper Beaver Gold Project (PDF – 322 KB)

Impact Assessment Agency of Canada to Flying Post First Nation

Email - IAAC to Flying Post First Nation - Notice of Time Limit Suspension - Upper Beaver Gold Project (PDF – 323 KB)

Impact Assessment Agency of Canada to Kebaowek First Nation

Email - IAAC to Kebaowek First Nation - Notice of Time Limit Suspension - Upper Beaver Gold Project (PDF – 323 KB)

Impact Assessment Agency of Canada to Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg

Email - IAAC to Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg - Notice of Time Limit Suspension - Upper Beaver Gold Project (PDF – 324 KB)

Impact Assessment Agency of Canada to Long Point First Nation

Email - IAAC to Long Point First Nation - Notice of Time Limit Suspension - Upper Beaver Gold Project (PDF – 322 KB)

Impact Assessment Agency of Canada to Matachewan First Nation

Email - IAAC to Matachewan First Nation - Notice of Time Limit Suspension - Upper Beaver Gold Project (PDF – 322 KB)

Impact Assessment Agency of Canada to Mattagami First Nation

Email - IAAC to Mattagami First Nation - Notice of Time Limit Suspension - Upper Beaver Gold Project (PDF – 323 KB)

Impact Assessment Agency of Canada to Métis Nation of Ontario (Region 3)

Email - IAAC to Métis Nation of Ontario (Region 3) - Notice of Time Limit Suspension - Upper Beaver Gold Project (PDF – 323 KB)

Impact Assessment Agency of Canada to Taykwa Tagamou Nation

Email - IAAC to Taykwa Tagamou Nation - Notice of Time Limit Suspension - Upper Beaver Gold Project (PDF – 322 KB)

Impact Assessment Agency of Canada to Temagami First Nation

Email - IAAC to Temagami First Nation - Notice of Time Limit Suspension - Upper Beaver Gold Project (PDF – 323 KB)

Impact Assessment Agency of Canada to Timiskaming First Nation

Email - IAAC to Timiskaming First Nation - Notice of Time Limit Suspension - Upper Beaver Gold Project (PDF – 322 KB)

Impact Assessment Agency of Canada to Wahgoshig First Nation

Email - IAAC to Wahgoshig First Nation - Notice of Time Limit Suspension - Upper Beaver Gold Project (PDF – 324 KB)

Impact Assessment Agency of Canada to Wolf Lake First Nation

Email - IAAC to Wolf Lake First Nation - Notice of Time Limit Suspension - Upper Beaver Gold Project (PDF – 322 KB)

Document reference number: 112

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