Notice of Determination

January 25, 2023 – Canadian Forces Base Suffield

The Department of National Defence has determined that the proposed ‘Cameron Centre 25 Kilovolt Upgrade' project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

This determination was based on a consideration of the following factors:

  • impacts on rights of Indigenous peoples;
  • Indigenous knowledge;
  • community knowledge;
  • comments received from the public; and
  • technically and economically feasible mitigation measures

In making this determination, the following mitigation measures were identified:

Work Conditions

  • To minimize disturbance, Defence Construction Canada representative will mark and define work area. Extending work beyond boundaries is prohibited.
  • A safety plan must be established prior to commencement of work and must be followed by all workers on site. Plan must be available during project duration.
  • Department of National Defence or Defence Construction Canada representative may delay work in the event of adverse weather conditions.

Vehicles & Equipment

  • Turn off vehicles and equipment when not in use or when operation is not necessary.
  • Limit vehicle idling to five minutes if a warm up period is required.
  • Follow speed limits on Base and surrounding roads, and travel only on designated roads.
  • Minimize travel on gravel or dirt roads in wet conditions to prevent rutting and erosion.
  • If permitted, off-road vehicle activity will be kept within designated locations.
  • Park vehicles only in marked areas.

Soil Management

  • Soil management practices shall follow the latest edition of the Soil Management Instruction.
  • A Soil Management Plan shall be prepared specific to the project. The plan shall outline the process and responsibilities that will be enforced during the project execution.
  • All disturbed soil, including hydro-vac slurry, shall be treated as PFAS contaminated soil and hauled offsite to the nearest permitted disposal facility.
  • At a minimum, the receiving facility must have a liner and a leachate collection system.
  • Before soil is taken off-site, the environmental quality of the soil must be disclosed to the owners of the receiving site.
  • Evidence of transportation and disposal of all soil must be kept on the project/works file.
  • The local HAZMAT Officer should be consulted to ensure compliance with respect to shipping/disposal procedures, including manifests and transportation of dangerous goods.
  • Provincial regulatory requirements related to the transportation of soil must be met if they exist.
  • All excavated soils that will be temporarily stored must be placed on an impermeable surface and covered with an impermeable, properly secured tarp.
  • All stockpiles must be inspected on a regular schedule and maintained, as per then approved soil management plan.
  • Water contained in the stockpiled soil must be properly contained and managed to prevent contaminated water from running off into the environment.
  • The temporary storage will not be within 30 meters from sensitive receptors or water bodies.
  • The management method and location of the temporary storage must be approved by the local Contaminated Sites Manager.
  • All stockpiles must be removed as soon as possible prior to the completion of the physical works.

Waste Management

  • Segregate and properly store wastes (general, recyclable materials, hazardous materials biomedical); ensure they are clearly labelled.
  • Dispose of waste at an approved facility or return it to unit point of origin for disposal.
  • Conduct garbage sweeps of work area throughout project and prior to departing.
  • If there is HAZMAT associated with the project, use proper containment, and obtain guidance from the Defence Construction Canada representative.
  • Any material which enters a wetland must be collected immediately and properly disposed of.
  • Re-use material when possible, and segregate recyclables to minimize landfill waste.

Spill Prevention and Response

  • If Petroleum, oil, lubricant (POL) is stored on site, a spill response plan and spill kit must be available on site.
  • Personnel must be trained in spill response.
  • If a spill occurs, all clean up material and material which came in contact with product must be properly contained and disposed of as HAZMAT. Spills of any amount must be reported to Defence Construction Canada representative immediately after cleanup procedures.
  • All Petroleum, oil, lubricant (POL) and HAZMAT must be stored in secondary containment capable of holding 110 % of initial container volume. Product must be stored at least 30 meters from wetlands, if outdoors.
  • Drip pans will be placed under vehicles and equipment parked on site.
  • Any waste fuel will be stored and disposed of as HAZMAT.
  • Vehicles and equipment must be kept in good working order; perform regular checks for leaks or malfunctions.
  • Do not perform maintenance on work site unless necessary. If work performed on site, use secondary containment, and have spill kits and trained personnel present.
  • Conduct passenger vehicle refueling off site.
  • Heavy equipment may be refueled on site, provided: the procedure takes place at least 30 meters from nearby wetlands; secondary containment is used; and spill kits are present.
  • All fill material must be free of contamination. Should contaminated soils be encountered, obtain guidance from the Base Environmental Officer.

Fire Prevention & Response

  • All fires will be immediately reported Base Fire Hall.
  • Fire extinguishers must be readily available on site.

Soil & Geology – Digging and Trenching

  • Soils from excavation sites will be stockpiled and segregated into topsoil and subsoil.
  • Do not stockpile soils or excavated materials within 30 meters of a wetland.
  • Maintain soil horizon order when replacing soils.
  • Ensure backfilled mound is 10-20% higher than ground level to allow for settling and minimize passes over the pit to prevent compaction.
  • Fill material other than excavated soil must be approved by Department of National Defence or Defence Construction Canada representative.
  • Contractor to stockpile removed pavement from area and disposal at approved site off base.

Terrestrial Animals & Habitat

  • A wildlife survey must be conducted prior to work commencement as per Range Standing Orders
  • Where Species at Risk Act Schedule 1 species have been observed, work must be limited. It is an offence to kill, harm, harass, capture, or take an individual of a Schedule 1 species.
  • Do not interact with wildlife or their habitat.
  • Give wildlife right of way when traveling in a vehicle.
  • Food should be properly stored in animal-proof containers or enclosed vehicles.
  • If any active wildlife habitat is encountered on site, work must cease immediately until advice and instruction can be sought from Range Biologists.


  • A vegetation survey must be conducted prior to work commencement. Further mitigation measures may be provided by surveyor.
  • Upon project completion, any resulting vegetation disturbance will be reported by Department of National Defence or Defence Construction Canada representative.
  • Do not clear vegetation unless necessary for project completion; if cleared, minimize the area affected.


  • Proper asbestos abatement measures, as outlined in the Alberta Asbestos Abatement Manual, must be followed if Asbestos Containing Material is located on site.

The Department of National Defence is satisfied that that the carrying out of the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

Therefore, the Department of National Defence may carry out the project, exercise any power, perform any duty or function, or provide financial assistance to enable the project to be carried out in whole or in part.

Document reference number: 2

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