Public Comment Period on Intent to Make a Determination
Complementary Environmental Characterization of Groundwater- Valcartier Military Base

December 23, 2022 — The authorities must decide whether the proposed project is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

To help inform this decision, the authorities are inviting comments from the public on the project and its potential effects on the environment. All comments received will be considered public. For more information, individuals should consult the Privacy Notice on the Registry website.

Written comments must be submitted by January 11, 2023 to:
Annie Labelle-Lauzon, Project Manager
Mailing Address: 101 Colonel By Dr, Ottawa
ON, Canada, K1A 0K2

The Proposed Project

The Department of National Defence (DND) is proposing a project which consists of the completion of CPT drilling and installation of new groundwater monitoring wells in the administrative sector of the Valcartier Base and in the North and South sectors of DRDC-Valcartier. The work will mainly consist of drilling, penetration tests, laboratory analysis, surveying, location of underground services and other related work. The activities planned on the Base Valcartier and DRDC-Valcartier territories are described in more detail below:

Valcartier Base: The project includes the construction of a minimum of 6 CPT boreholes and the installation of a minimum of 19 new groundwater monitoring wells. The CPT boreholes will be drilled at the location of the monitoring wells, prior to the drilling and installation of the wells. The monitoring wells will be installed in separate boreholes. The drilling and the monitoring wells will be carried out in cleared areas accessible to the drilling equipment, with the exception of one site where the installation of crushed stone may be required to allow access to the machinery to the work site. The mandate that will be given to the mandated contractor will include the management of drill cuttings, drilling water (depending on the area) and development and purge water from the newly installed observation wells.


DRDC-Valcartier: The project involves the construction of 11 CPT boreholes and the installation of 40 groundwater monitoring wells in the DRDC-North and South areas. The development of 4 new monitoring wells at 2 respective locations is planned at DRDC-North. At DRDC-South, 36 new observation wells are planned at 13 locations. The monitoring wells will be installed in separate boreholes. The CPT drilling at DRDC-South will be completed at the monitoring well locations prior to the drilling and installation of the monitoring wells. CPT drilling (minimum of 3 locations) is also planned for DRDC-North along the road that runs alongside the DRDC-North discharge ditch, outside the DRDC-fenced area. The drilling and monitoring wells will be carried out in cleared areas accessible to the drilling equipment, with the exception of 4 sites located at DRDC-South which will require minimal clearing of brush and/or trees, the installation of culverts and crushed stone so that the machinery can cross the existing ditches. The installation of crushed stone in the areas that will have been cleared will have to be planned in order to allow a rolling surface for the machinery (drill, service truck). In order to allow sampling of new monitoring wells that will be installed along the ditches in our longer term monitoring programs, the "crossings" that will be installed in the ditches (culvert and placement of crushed stone) must be permanent. The mandate that will be given to the contractor will include the management of drill cuttings, drilling water (depending on the area) and development and purge water from the newly installed monitoring wells.


Document reference number: 1

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