Notice of Determination 

Burnaby, B.C.October 7, 2022 – The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority and Transport Canada have determined that the proposed Cascadia Rail Expansion Phase 4, South shore of Burrard Inlet, between Second Narrows and Shellburn Terminal, is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

This determination was based on a consideration of the following factors: 

  • Impacts on rights of Indigenous peoples  
  • Indigenous knowledge 
  • Community knowledge 
  • Comments received from the public 
  • Technically and economically feasible mitigation measures 

Mitigation measures taken into account for this determination are:  

  • A qualified environmental professional will monitor works and activities with the potential to negatively affect fish or fish habitat  
  • A construction environmental management plan will be implemented, including scheduling activities to occur within least-risk work windows, implementing erosion and sediment control measures, monitoring water quality, conducting a marine lifeform salvage, and implementing spill prevention and response procedures 
  • The works will not deposit a deleterious substance in water inhabited by fish, or affect fish or fish habitat in a manner contrary to the Fisheries Act 
  • The loss of fish habitat will be offset by constructing a contiguous and complex reef structure and enhancing intertidal sandflats, in accordance with a valid Fisheries Act Authorization 
  • Invasive plants will be managed in a manner that prevents their spread 
  • An archaeological chance find procedure will be implemented in the event that archaeological resources are encountered 

The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority and Transport Canada are satisfied that the carrying out of the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. 

Therefore, the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority and Transport Canada may carry out the project, exercise any power, perform any duty or function, or provide financial assistance to enable the project to be carried out in whole or in part. 

Document reference number: 4

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