Notice of intent to make a determination

Thunderchild First Nation Lagoon Upgrade- Public Comments Invited

August 24, 2022 - Indigenous Services Canada must determine whether the proposed Thunderchild First Nation Lagoon Upgrade, located on Thunderchild IR115B, is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. To help inform this determination, Indigenous Services Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination.

Written comments must be submitted by September 22, 2022 to:

Indigenous Services Canada
SK Region, Environment Unit
1827 Albert Street
Regina, SK S4P 2S9

The Proposed Project

- Construction of a facultative wastewater lagoon expansion on Thunderchild IR115B, including a 6.75 ha primary cell, a 119,025 cu.m. storage cell, compacted clay liner, related structures, piping, and modifications to the two existing lagoon cells (20-year design);
- Installation of approx. 420 lin.m. of 150 mm of sewage main and 1,900 lin.m. of 200 mm dia. HDPE effluent drain line;
- Effluent drain control structure near Turtle River;
- Miscellaneous infrastructure upgrades, manholes and site fencing;
- Access road upgrades and new road construction;
- Provision of roads for ingress and egress to the location of all work required;
- Clean up of site; and
- Repair of defects for one year after completion of the work

Aquatic Habitat Protection Permit - SK Water Security Agency - outfall control structure at Turtle River;
Request for Review - Fisheries and Oceans Canada - outfall control structure at Turtle River.

Lagoon and access road are within SE-15-52-20-W3M and NE-10-52-20-W3M.
Effluent drain line runs through NE-10-52-20-W3M, SE-10-52-20-W3M, SW-11-52-20-W3M and NW-02-52-20-W3M.

Pre-planning - feasibility study, preliminary design report, geotechnical investigation, downstream use and impact study completed to define scope and risks; detailed design to identify construction procedures and environmental protection measures.
Site preparation - topsoil stripping and vegetation removal from construction areas.
Construction - earthwork to build lagoon cell berms and floors, installation of influent, transfer and outfall structures, installation of effluent drain line, tie-ins to existing infrastructure, importing suitable clay material for liner material (600 mm thick on floor and 1,200 mm thick on side slopes of cells).
Operation - very low operating requirements - annual or bi-annual treated effluent release to Turtle River.
Decommissioning - modifications to existing lagoon cells are required to incorporate into new design; brief decommissioning followed by re-commissioning with new features.

Minimal construction waste - some formwork from concrete structure (likely re-useable), chain link fence waste pieces and HDPE pipe shavings / waste pieces.

Document reference number: 1

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