Notice of intent to make a determination

GL7 Phase 1 Transmission Rebuild Project (L007) / Saulteaux and Moosomin First Nations - Public Comments invited

July 29, 2022 - Indigenous Services Canada must determine whether the proposed GL7 Phase 1 Transmission Rebuild Project (L007) / Salteaux and Moosomin First Nations, located on Saulteaux IR 159G & Moosomin IR 112L , is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. To help inform this determination, Indigenous Services Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination.

Written comments must be submitted by August 27, 2022 to:

Indigenous Services Canada
SK Region, Environment Unit
1827 Albert Street
Regina, SK S4P 2S9

The Proposed Project

SaskPower is proposing to rebuild the GL7 72 kV transmission line from Glaslyn to Spiritwood. The project will improve safety and reliability in the area by rebuilding the transmission line on an off-set right-of-way and then the existing transmission line will be removed. The rebuild transmission line will overlap two quarters (N ½ 31-50-15 W3M) of Salteaux First Nations and two quarters of Moosomin First Nations (NE 32 and NE 33-50-14 W3M) land ; which are currently cultivated.

Electrical Transmission lines and all structures, poles, cables, anchors, pipes, conduits, apparatus and equipment in relation there to. Rebuilding existing transmission line approximately 15 m south of existing transmission line. Removing existing line after construction. All garbage and debris will be removed and disposed of in an approved receptacle or facility. Please refer to SaskPower's Environmental Beneficial Management Practices (BMP) Manual, Revision 5: June 1, 2022, for mitigative measures used for construction, operations, and maintenance of transmission, distribution, and fibre projects.

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