Public Notice: Shawanaga First Nation - Water Treatment Plant Upgrades Project – Public Comments Invited

May 30, 2022 – Indigenous Services Canada and Infrastructure Canada must determine whether the proposed Shawanaga First Nation - Water Treatment Plant Upgrades project, located in Shawanaga First Nation is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. Environment and Climate Change Canada has concluded they will not be a Federal Authority for this assessment, but have provided expert advice and will provide additional expert advice as needed.

To help inform this determination, Indigenous Services Canada and Infrastructure Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination. All comments received will be considered public. For more information, individuals should consult the Privacy Notice on the Registry website.

Written comments must be submitted by June 30, 2022 to:

Ricky Chiu
7th Floor,
655 Bay Street,
Toronto ON M5G 2K4
(647) 327-7603

The Proposed Project

Shawanaga First Nation proposed to construct a new 216 m2 Water Treatment Plant (WTP) at the Well 4 Site. This project will also include constructing a new 250mm watermain that will connect to the existing distribution system and extend 1,600m along Village Road to the new WTP. Furthermore, approximately 2,510m of existing watermain located on Shebeshekong Road will be upgraded from 75mm to 250mm. Constructing the WTP will also provide the opportunity for additional development along Village Road due to provision of single-phase power (extended to new WTP) and potable water.

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