Notice of intent to make a determination

Cross Lake Band of Indians Wastewater Lagoon Upgrade– Public Comments Invited

July 19, 2022 – Indigenous Services Canada must determine whether the proposed  Cross Lake Band of Indians Wastewater Lagoon Upgrade, located in Cross Lake is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. To help inform this determination, Indigenous Services Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination.


Written comments must be submitted by August 19, 2022 to:


Tebesi Mosala

200-365 Hargrave Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba


The Proposed Project

CLBOI is undertaking a wastewater lagoon upgrade project for the community of Cross Lake. The project involves the upgrade of the existing two-cell wastewater treatment lagoon to include a new cell and a SAGR treatment system. There are two parts to the project. The existing wastewater lagoon consists of two cells, the southerly cell is the existing aerated cell and is suspected to contain a large rock outcrop along the floor of the cell; the north cell is the polishing cell.

Part 1:

  • A new aerated cell will be established to the east of the existing aeration cell. The new cell (cell #1) will have a synthetic liner that has a sand layer on top of the synthetic liner and will be aeriated.
  • The existing aerated cell will be modified to become the secondary cell (cell #2). The cell will be dewatered and sludge removed. The large rock outcrop in the cell will be removed through blasting of the rock. The cell will then be lined with a synthetic liner topped by a sand layer and will be aerated.
  • A new two cell SAGR system will be installed to the west of the refurbished cell #2.
  • A blower building will be constructed to the north of the new cell (refer to drawing CL103 Item #7)

Part 2:

  • Two options are currently being explored for the decommissioning of the existing north cell (polishing basin)
    • Dewatering of the cell and the sludge remove to a sludge dewatering cell with geotubes, then capping of the cell.
    • Dewatering of the cell and the sludge left in situ and the cell capped.

Document reference number: 1

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