Minister's Response

Physical Activities

TACORA Resources Inc. is proposing to expand the tailings impoundment area of the existing Scully Mine, an iron ore mine located in Wabush, Newfoundland and Labrador. As proposed, the Scully Mine Tailings Impoundment Area Expansion Project would expand the existing tailings impoundment area by up to 1,411 hectares, allowing for the full use of the mine's ore reserves and for operations to continue until 2047. The existing tailings impoundment area is expected to reach full capacity around 2025.


The project does not warrant designation.


Pursuant to section 9 of the Impact Assessment Act (the IAA), I, Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, considered the potential for the project to cause adverse effects within federal jurisdiction, adverse direct or incidental effects, public concern related to these effects, as well as adverse impacts on the Aboriginal and Treaty rights of the Indigenous peoples of Canada. In forming my opinion, I took into account the analysis of the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada.

I am of the opinion that the designation of the project is unwarranted for the following reasons:

  • The regulatory processes that currently apply to the project and related consultations with Indigenous peoples provide a framework to address the potential adverse aforementioned effects and concerns raised by Indigenous peoples and members of the public. These processes include:
    • the provincial environmental assessment review completed in accordance with Newfoundland and Labrador's Environmental Assessment Regulations under the Environmental Protection Act, in which Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Health Canada, and Transport Canada participated as expert reviewers. The project was approved by the provincial Minister of Environment and Climate Change subject to conditions related to environmental management, mitigation and monitoring;
    • provincial licences, permits, and approvals required for the project pursuant to the Water Resources Act and Mining Act; and,
    • federal authorizations, approvals, and reporting requirements that may be required under the Fisheries Act; Species at Risk Act; Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994, Canadian Navigable Waters Act; and Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.
  • The project must be carried out in compliance with relevant provisions of provincial and federal legislation, including the Fisheries Act; the Species at Risk Act; the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994; and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.
  • The potential adverse effects within federal jurisdiction, or adverse direct or incidental effects, would be limited through project design, by application of standard mitigation measures, and managed through existing legislative mechanisms.

Document reference number: 3

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