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Document reference number: 91

June 8, 2022

Colin Webster
Vice President, Sustainability and External Affairs
Brookfield Place, 181 Bay Street, Suite 3910
Toronto, ON M5J 2T3

Sent via email: CWebster@alamosgold.com

SUBJECT: Conformity Review Outcome for Alamos Gold Inc.'s Responses to Round 2 Information Requests for the Lynn Lake Gold Project

Dear Colin Webster:

The Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (the Agency) determined that Alamos Gold Inc.'s revised responses to the Round 2 Information Requests (IRs), submitted on May 24, 2022, for the Lynn Lake Gold Project (the Project) are sufficient for the purpose of moving forward with the technical review.

The Agency will commence a technical review of the responses to the Round 2 IRs on June 9, 2022. The Round 2 IR responses will be posted on the Canadian Impact Assessment Registry Internet Site, and federal authorities and Indigenous nations will be invited to comment.

The commencement of a technical review does not imply that the information provided in response to the Round 2 IRs is adequate to support the completion of the environmental assessment. The Agency, with input from federal authorities and Indigenous nations, may request further information.

Next Steps
As of June 9, 2022, the federal legislated time limit within which the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change's (the Minister) decision must be made will resume. In accordance with subsections 23(2) and 27(6) of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 (CEAA 2012), the period that is taken by a proponent to comply with the information requirements of the Environmental Impact Statement Guidelines is not included in the calculation of the time limit within which the Minister must make a decision. Therefore, should additional information be required following the technical review of the Environmental Impact Statement for the Project, the Agency will request the material from Alamos Gold Inc., and the federal legal timeframe will pause.

Should Alamos Gold Inc. have any questions regarding the technical review of the responses to Round 2 IRs, please do not hesitate to contact me at chelsea.fedrau@iaac-aeic.gc.ca or 780-246-7126.


<electronically signed>

Chelsea Fedrau, Project Manager
Impact Assessment Agency of Canada
Prairie and Northern Region

c.c.: Michael Raess, Senior Environmental and Community Relations Coordinator, Alamos Gold Inc.
        Karen Mathers, Project Manager, Stantec Consulting Ltd

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