Notice of intent to make a determination

Fox Lake Cree Nation Water and Sewer System Development Project – Public Comments Invited

April 14, 2022 – Indigenous Services Canada must determine whether the proposed  Fox Lake Cree Nation Water and Sewer System Development Project , located in Fox Lake Cree Nation is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. To help inform this determination, Indigenous Services Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination.


Written comments must be submitted by May 21, 2022 to:


Angela Bidinosti

200-365 Hargrave Street, Winnipeg, MB


The Proposed Project

The project includes upgrades to the existing water and wastewater systems to provide water treatment and distribution, and wastewater collection and treatment in the community for the next 20 years. The upgrades will consist of water treatment plant upgrades (WTP), sewage lift station upgrades, water distribution system upgrades, wastewater collection system upgrades, decommissioning of the existing wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), a new raw water supply line, and a new wastewater forcemain that extends to a new off-reserve aerated lagoon and SAGR system.




Water Treatment Plant

The community's existing water treatment system will be upgraded to restore the WTP to its intended design function. The upgrades will include repairs to the treated water storage reservoir, repair/replacement of the plant's electrical and controls systems, repair/replacement of process mechanical equipment, and repairs to the building's interior and exterior.


Wastewater Treatment Plant

The community's existing wastewater treatment system will be decommissioned. It will be replaced by a new, off-reserve sewage lagoon. Wastewater currently being pumped to the WWTP will instead be directed to the new lagoon. The wastewater treatment plant will be removed and the existing sewage outfall will no longer be used.


Lift Stations

There are two lift stations that operate as part of the gravity wastewater collection system in the community. One main lift station and one that services the school. Upgrades to the main lift station will include building repairs, mechanical process equipment replacement, and repairs/replacement of electrical and control systems, including instrumentation.


Raw Water Supply Line

An approximately 4,000 m new raw water supply line will be required to replace the existing line. Most of the line will be off-reserve but also consists of about 750 m that runs on-reserve. The purpose of the line will be to supply the WTP with raw water to treat and distribute to the community.



A new forcemain will be required to convey wastewater from the community to the new off-reserve treatment facility. It will run from the existing main community lift station to the new lagoon.


Water Distribution System

The existing water distribution system will be repaired to restore proper operation of the network. This may include swabbing and flushing of the watermain, repairing/replacing mainline isolation valves, repairing/replacing heat-trace as needed, and repairing any noted leaks in the system.


Gravity Wastewater Collection System

The existing gravity wastewater collection system will be repaired to restore proper operation of the network. This may include mainline flushing, manhole cleaning, a closed-circuit television (CCTV) inspection, repairing/replacing manhole frost covers, and repairing waterproof coating on the manholes to reduce infiltration.

Document reference number: 1

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