Notice of determination

April 14, 2022 – Transport Canada has determined that the proposed project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

This determination was based on a consideration of the following factors:

  • impacts on rights of Indigenous peoples;
  • Indigenous knowledge;
  • community knowledge;
  • comments received from the public; and
  • technically and economically feasible mitigation measures.

Mitigation measures taken into account for this determination are:

  • Soil quality

    • Limit the areas of excavation, backfilling, deforestation and soil profiling to the strict minimum. Clearly delineate the areas that will be subject to such activities.

    • Limit the circulation of heavy machinery in the areas that will have been previously defined. No movement of machinery will be permitted outside the project area.

    • In the event of the excavation of soils showing signs of contamination, these must be stored on a waterproof membrane. These soils must be managed in accordance with the standards in force according to the results of the soil analyses. Notify the Transport Canada environmental officer responsible for the site as soon as possible.

    • All natural aggregates and backfill materials must be clean and free from contamination. It is the responsibility of the contractor to demonstrate the environmental quality of the fill materials and natural aggregates.


    • Limit the storage of materials in areas that have been previously defined.

    • Do not store materials within 30 meters of drainage ditches, wetlands, or any other body of water.

    • All debris or unconsolidated materials that will be stored must be adequately protected from runoff and the action of the wind. Waterproof membranes must be installed as needed on the piles of materials stored outside, if they are likely to carry materials into wetlands or drainage ditches.

    Air quality

    • In the event of the transport of materials likely to be dispersed by the wind, the trucks must be equipped with canvas or tarps.

    • Excavation activities must be carried out in such a way as to minimize dust emissions.

    • If dust suppressants are used, they must be certified by the Bureau de normalization du Québec. Keep records of information about product used and locations used.

    Water quality

    • Dispose and stabilize all excavation material outside the ditches and ensure that they do not fall into the ditches.

    • Consider weather conditions and schedule work to avoid wet, rainy and windy periods that could promote increased flow and/or increase erosion and sediment transport.

    • Monitor ditches during all stages of the work, undertaking or activity for signs of sediment input, taking corrective action as needed.

    • Use biodegradable materials where possible to control erosion and sediment transport, and remove all exposed non-biodegradable erosion control and sediment transport materials once the site is stabilized.


    • Carry out concreting work so that the fresh concrete is not in contact with surface water and wetlands.

    • The water used to clean the concrete mixers must be discharged into an area provided for this purpose and in such a way as to avoid any contamination of the environment.

    • Comply with all guidelines relating to the management of concrete, brick and asphalt resulting from construction and demolition work and residues from the cut stone sector, issued by the MDDEP in 2009.

    Plant species

    • If observed in the field, do not damage American ginseng (shrub) and butternut (tree) plant species, which are protected by the Species at Risk Act. Notify the departmental representative who will inform the TC environment officer if these species are observed.

    Wildlife species

     • If a special-status wildlife species (for example, a bird or bat) is spotted during the work, contact the departmental representative who will inform the environmental officer for additional protection measures during the work.

     • Pay particular attention to the excavation work for the motorized barrier in the administrative buildings sector during the spring, ie, from the end of May to the beginning of June, which is the period when most amphibians and reptiles reproduce. Avoid harm to individuals and eggs during these activities.

     • The four-toed salamander was observed at the edge of the ditches along rue du Landais and at several locations in the center and west of the CEVA site. As a preventive measure:

    - During work in April-May and September-October (sensitive periods for the species), particular attention must be paid to this species; if it is spotted during the work, contact the departmental representative who will inform the TC environment officer for additional measures.

    - During clearing and excavation of ditches, avoid harming individuals and eggs.

    Protection of special-status birds

    • Before starting work, check for the presence of nesting birds. If one or more nests are found, immediately notify the Departmental Representative before starting the work.

    • If a nest containing eggs or nestlings of migratory birds is discovered near or in the work area, stop all noisy activities near the nesting site, protect the nest(s) with an area to comply with the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 and the Species at Risk Act. Immediately contact the departmental representative who will inform the environment officer.

    • Minimize the disturbance of migratory birds by favoring a work schedule so as to avoid sensitive periods and areas (breeding period, nesting, migratory stopover, gathering, etc.). For terrestrial avian species, it is therefore necessary to avoid deforestation work from April 1 to August 31. If additional clearing is necessary during this period, notify the departmental representative who will contact the TC environment officer. An inventory with a specialized biologist may take place in this case.

    • Limit clearing, stripping, and deforestation to reduce the loss of bird habitat to a strict minimum.

    Fish and its habitat

    • Control the discharge of water containing particles and materials in suspension or any other deleterious substance by implementing appropriate techniques (for example: filtering berm and sediment trap, straw bale filter, etc.).

    • No earthworks should be carried out near drainage ditches during periods of flooding or heavy rains.

    • Compliance with special periods for work: July 1 to March 31

    • The use of cofferdams in order to be able to work dry is recommended

    • No material will be removed from the banks, shores

    • Avoid changing the water flow and level

    • Avoid preventing or impeding the movement and migration of fish

    • Comply with any other measures recommended by DFO:

    - Put in place effective measures to limit the contribution of sediments from the construction site to the aquatic environment and ensure their maintenance (e.g.: sediment barrier, berms, sediment trap, sedimentation basin, temporary stabilization of slopes, diversion of water to areas of vegetation). The measures must remain effective during periods of flooding, heavy rains or frost.

    - Restore the bed and shores of the aquatic environments affected by the works to their original state (granulometry of the substrate, profile of the bed, vegetation, etc.) following the demobilization of the site on all the areas affected (temporary works, access, etc.).

    Invasive species

    • Given the presence of phragmites (common reed) in the project area, particularly along certain culverts and mainly to the east of the site, it is essential not to disperse elements of this plant during its elimination:

    • Ensure that work equipment and machinery are clean and free of invasive species when moving them around the site, so as not to disperse the species to unaffected areas, as stands may establish from seed dispersal or runner fragments from the rhizome.

    • Clean clothing, boots and equipment on site to prevent transport and dispersion.

    • Properly manage the cut remains of this plant in order to prevent its dispersal outside the site. Do not compost clippings. One possibility is to put the cut plants in thick plastic bags and let them dry out or rot in the sun to kill all viable seeds and rhizomes. Bags should be disposed of at a recovery or disposal location.

    Use of machinery

     • Shut down machinery motors when not in use.

    • The work will be carried out according to the by-law in effect of the municipality of the city of Blainville on noise. Work will not take place at night between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m., on Sundays and public holidays, so as not to disturb nearby residences.

    • Keep all site machinery clean and free of liquid leaks to prevent any substance from seeping into the natural environment

    • General maintenance and the supply of gasoline and lubricant to machines and vehicles must be carried out in the places provided for this purpose, and at a distance of at least 30 meters from drainage ditches, wetlands, or any another watercourse.

    Materials management

    • Promote the reuse, recovery, and recycling of residual materials.

    • It is forbidden to evacuate waste materials or any hazardous materials (ex: fuels, lubricants, oil thinners, paints, solvents, etc.) by dumping them in natural environments, drainage ditches, storm sewers or sanitary sewers.

    • Ensure that hazardous waste is removed from other non-hazardous residual materials. Residual materials must be properly disposed of in an authorized site according to their characteristics and according to the regulations in force. A routing slip must be provided to Transport Canada.

    Hazardous Material

     • Hazardous materials used on the site must be stored and transported in sealed and well-identified containers to avoid spillage.

    • The contractor must comply with all applicable regulations regarding the handling, disposal and transportation of hazardous materials.

    Accidents and Malfunctions

    • Develop an intervention plan to be implemented immediately in the event of a spill of a harmful substance in the natural environment: stop the work and confine the spill.

    • Have at hand a complete response kit in the event of accidental spillage of hazardous materials, and leak-proof containers in order to contain the leak, to ensure the recovery and storage of the soiled material as well as the management contaminated soil and equipment. Employees on site must have the necessary training to intervene in the event of a spill.

    • Take all means to stop an accidental spill and quickly confine the spilled product, then proceed with the recovery of the product and the contaminated soil and their elimination, as well as the restoration of the site.

    • Soil contaminated by an accidental spill must be placed in a pile on waterproof tarps and must be covered with waterproof tarps or placed in waterproof containers. Contaminated soils must be managed in accordance with the standards in force according to the results of soil analyses. Contaminated soils must be sent to sites authorized by the MELCC. A soil delivery slip must be sent to Transport Canada. Water contaminated by an accidental spillage must be contained and recovered or directly taken care of by a company specializing in the environment.

    • The characterization and rehabilitation must be carried out by a firm specializing in the environment and must make it possible to restore the land to the quality it had before the event. Characterization and rehabilitation results must be provided to Transport Canada.

    • Any spillage on site must be reported. Report the incident to the responsible authorities as well as to the Transport Canada environmental officer responsible for the site as soon as possible. Contact the Environment Canada emergency services (1 866 283-2333) and the MDDELCC (1 866 694-5454).

    • Ensure that no waste is left on the site when the work is completed.

Transport Canada is satisfied that the carrying out of the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

Therefore, Transport Canada may carry out the project, exercise any power, perform any duty or function, or provide financial assistance to enable the project to be carried out in whole or in part.

Document reference number: 2

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