Public Notice

Restoration and redevelopment of the drainage network at the John H. Chapman Space Center in Saint-Hubert – Public Comments Invited

February 25, 2022 The Canadian Space Agency must determine whether the Restoration and redevelopment of the drainage network at the John H. Chapman Space Center project, located in Saint-Hubert is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

To help inform this determination, the Canadian Space Agency is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination. All comments received will be considered public and may be posted online.

Written comments must be submitted by March 28, 2022 to:

Emmanuelle Lambert
Telephone : 450-926-5887
Email :


The Proposed Project

The project aims to maintain, restore and redevelop the drainage ditches and the retention pond present on the property of the John H. Chapman Space Center of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) located in Saint-Hubert, Québec. In addition, following major development around the property, a new ditch must be built to improve drainage by channeling water from the rear area of the site (to the south) to the retention pond located at the front (to the north). The ASC also plans to build a snow storage area and a settling pond to accommodate the snow from its snow removal operations and its meltwater. The total area affected by the project is estimated at 12,000 m².

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