Notice of Intent to Make a Determination

Bigstone Cree Flood Recovery Program: Culvert 166D-27 Replacement – Public Comments Invited
February 2, 2022 – Indigenous Services Canada must determine whether the proposed Bigstone Cree Flood Recovery Program: Culvert 166D-27 Replacement, located in Wabaska, Alberta is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. To help inform this determination, Indigenous Services Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination. 

Written comments must be submitted by March 4, 2022 to: 

Stacey Leblanc
630 Canada Place
9700 Jasper Ave, Edmonton, AB
T5J 4G2

The Proposed Project

In 2021, the Nation began the detailed design of the flood mitigation recommendations for Reserve 166D. The scope of mandatory enhancements needed to mitigate flood damage to approximately 1.5km of road on Cattleman Drive (between Ayouschias Land and Simon Drive) are as follows:
- Earthworks (clearing and grubbing, topsoil stripping to stockpile, gravel salvage, common excavation, waste excavation, borrow excavation)
- Roadworks (subgrade preparation, geotextile, gravel supply and placement)
- Pipe Culvert Installation (2 culverts - 1200mm diameter each), creek isolation and de-isolation (if required), culvert removal (approaches and centerline), longer length culvert supply and installation (approaches and centerline), concrete ends (to increase durability for beaver maintenance), rip rap supply and installation.
- Miscellaneous: topsoil supply and placement, hydroseeding, fending removal and replacement due to the widening of the road toes of slope as the road elevation is being raised.

Even with the upsized culverts, the roadway in this area is predicted to fail during a 1:100-year storm event and needs to be built up. Completing a portion of this section is not an option as the road will still be compromised. This Project intersects two surface water features, one at crossing 166D-08 and one at crossing 166D-27. The expected lifespan of the project is indefinite, maintenance will occur as required.

Document reference number: 1

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