Notice of intent to make a determination

Poplar River First Nation Lagoon Expansion – Public Comments Invited

January 6, 2022– Indigenous Services Canada must determine whether the proposed Poplar River First Nation Lagoon Expansion, located in Poplar River First Nation is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. To help inform this determination, Indigenous Services Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination.


Written comments must be submitted by February 5, 2022 to:


Angela Bidinosti

200-365 Hargrave Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba

The Proposed Project

The Poplar River First Nation requires a lagoon expansion to service the growing community to design

year 20. The project will include clearing, grubbing, excavation of two new facultative cells, perimeter

drainage ditching, access approach, forcemain piping extension, chemical addition building, fencing and



The infrastructure for this project includes:

•             2 new facultative lagoon cells

•             230 m of forcemain piping

•             1300 m of fencing

•             Access road extension and truck turnaround

•             Chemical addition building

•             Electrical power to building

•             Water tank for building

The project activities include:

•             Clear trees

•             Grub tree stumps from the development area

•             Remove topsoil and excavate cell areas

•             Construct cell dikes and add rip rap to interior slopes

•             Install intercell and discharge pipes

•             Install new forcemain from new lagoon cell and tie into existing forcemain

•             Cap and abandon existing forcemain to existing lagoon cell

•             Construct chemical addition building

•             Install water tank for building

•             Install electrical power to building

•             Construct new perimeter ditching around new lagoon cells

•             Install perimeter fencing around new lagoon cells

•             Construct an access road approach and truck turnaround

•             Construct a perimeter trail around the new lagoon cells.

Document reference number: 1

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