Notice of determination for the Peter Ballantyne Child and Family Services Facility

January 5, 2021 - Indigenous Services Canada has determined that the proposed Peter Ballantyne Child and Family Services Facility is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

The determination was based on a consideration of the following factors:

-the Peter Ballantyne Child and Family Services Facility will benefits members of Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation
-no public comments were received about the project
-mitigation measures are required for the project

Implementation of the following mitigation measures is required for the project:

-refueling practices will involve spill precaution measures
-site access will be limited to authorized workers with adequate training
-all construction waste will be deposed of off-reserve at a regional landfill or hazardous waste disposal facility
-the construction of the facility will follow all local/provincial/federal regulations regarding the handling of any hazardous wastes 
-the waste water management system design and operation will meet or exceed all provincial regulations

Indigenous Services Canada is satisfied that the carrying out of the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

Document reference number: 6

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