Mosquito First Nation Lagoon Upgrades - Public Comments Invited

December 22, 2021 - Indigenous Services Canada must determine whether the proposed Mosquito First Nation Lagoon Upgrades, located on Mosquito IR 109 is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. To help inform this determination, Indigenous Services Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination.

Written comments must be submitted by January 21, 2022 to:

Indigenous Services Canada
SK Region, Environment Unit
1827 Albert Street
Regina, SK S4P 2S9

The Proposed Project

The Project includes the expansion of an existing lagoon, as it is currently too small for its design population. The new lagoon is expected to have a 220-day storage capacity and a 20-year design life. Treatment cells will require an expansion of 19,100m2 in surface area and storage cells will require an expansion of 77,000m3 in volume. Lagoon design was determined in accordance to the current Indigenous Services Canada and Water Security Agency sizing requirements. Compacted clay liners will be used to keep lagoon seepage to a minimum and protect surrounding land and groundwater. Berms between lagoon cells will be constructed with a top width of at least 10 feet to accommodate maintenance vehicle access.

Project involves expanding the existing wastewater lagoon by construction new cells. The existing force main will also be extended.

Lagoon Construction 
- strip and stockpile topsoil. 
- excavate and stockpile medium plastic clay 
- construct berms.
- excavate subgrade soil.
- form positive seal between berm fill and undisturbed soil 
- install clay liner 
- replace topsoil and seed areas where needed

Minimal construction waste will be generated, which will be deposited in a licensed nearby facility. Desludging activities will be carried out and sludge will be dried on site. No hazardous waste is expected to be generated by this project. Clearing is planned to occur in the winter to lessen potential impacts to nesting birds.

Document reference number: 1

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