2021-06-11 - Infrastructure Canada must determine whether the proposed Town of Bridgewater - Wastewater System Upgrades project, located in Bridgewater,Nova Scotia is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

To help inform this determination, Infrastructure Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination. All comments received will be considered public [and may be posted online]. For more information, individuals should consult the Privacy Notice on the Registry website (https://iaac-aeic.gc.ca/050/evaluations/Protection?culture=en-CA).

Written comments must be submitted by July 11, 2021, to:

Marc Simard



The proposed project:

The project consists of upgrades to the existing wastewater systems in Bridgewater. The scope of the work involves the replacement of one pumping station and the installation of approx. 1,000 m of forcemain. The project aims to upgrade the wastewater system such that the quality of the effluent is improved. The proposed project is to replace pumping station (PS#11) and install a new dedicated force main across the LaHave River to the municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant. Completing this project will improve the wastewater collection system, reduce overflows, improve the LaHave River water quality and accommodate new development. 

Specific project activities will include:

Excavated trenches on the north side of LaHave River

New conduits are to be installed, extending underneath existing sidewalks (and where required)

A 25 x 25 m area will be excavated (1 m depth) and levelled for the drill rig to be installed on the northeast side of King Street

The drill rig will be temporarily situated in the area while horizontal drilling is accomplished to connect the two land-based trenches

All will be backfilled upon completion

The river crossing alignment will be between a parking lot adjacent to the intersection of School St. and King St. and Mariners Landing Park.

The existing pumping station #11 will be upgraded at its current location

The new pumping station will be constructed 4.1 m above ground level to protect against water level changes of the LaHave River


During the work, best management practices related to erosion and sedimentation control will be implemented to protect adjacent freshwater habitats. Site-specific Erosion and Sediment Control measures will be required.

There is a potential for acid generation through the bedrock interactions since they are sulphide bearing. Site specific measures will be employed to reduce the potential for generation of acidified water.

No work is proposed in the waters of the LaHave River. All trench work will be conducted in the dry season, with accumulated trench water to be removed in a manner to prevent sedimentation in natural waters.

Construction is expected to occur between June 2022 to March 2023

Document reference number: 1

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