Notice of intent to make a determination

God's Lake First Nation Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Upgrades– Public Comments Invited

June 2, 2021 – Indigenous Services Canada must determine whether the proposed  God's Lake First Nation Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Upgrades, located in God's Lake First Nation is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. To help inform this determination, Indigenous Services Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination.


Written comments must be submitted by July 2, 2021 to:


Tebesi Mosala

200-365 Hargrave Street


The Proposed Project

God's Lake First Nation (GLFN) has retained a consultant firm to provide engineering services for an expansion/upgrade to the existing East and West water treatment plants (WTPs) which includes the pump houses (the Project).


The scope of work for the East WTP upgrades includes upgrading components of the existing ZeeWeed membrane filtration system, addition of a process targeting organics removal, raw water pumping upgrades, and a reservoir addition to provide capacity to meet the East community's future demands and fire storage requirements for the new school.

The scope of work for the West WTP upgrades includes addition of a new membrane filtration system with increased capacity, addition of a process targeting organics removal, raw water pumping upgrades, and a reservoir addition to provide capacity to meet the West community's future demands and fire storage requirements.


Design criteria for the GLFN WTP upgrades will be based on an On-Reserve population projection for the design period of 20 years based on the recommended growth rate of 1.60%.


The existing permanent infrastructure at the Project Site includes the WTPs and associated water distribution system/piping. There are also various buildings, both residential and commercial near the existing WTPs. Sewer and water pipes along with power and communication lines are located within the area of the existing WTPs. Underground utility clearances will be obtained prior to construction activities.

The proposed permanent infrastructure includes the following:

• 9 m by 21 m (approx.) building expansion at the East WTP; and

• 13 m by 14.75 m (approx.) building expansion at the West WTP.

These new building expansions will contain the new treatment system with the new water reservoir located beneath it. The chemical storage area will be located within the new addition and will be stored according to Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS).


Phase 1 – Planning and Design

During this phase, the consultant will submit a Preliminary Design Report and upon approval by ISC and GLFN, will proceed with Detailed Design of the construction tender for the work.


Phase 2 – Construction Phase

The following Project activities will be undertaken at the WTP sites. Complete a site survey and layout of work areas; Clearing (as needed) at the WTP sites; Excavating for the new underground water reservoir (East and West WTPs); Construction of the new building expansions at both WTP sites; Installation of water treatment systems;  Removal and/or upgrading existing treatment systems; Installing chemical storage area and workspace for operators within each WTP; Removal of construction debris and disposing of it at the GLFN waste disposal ground; and Re-vegetate the disturbed areas of each WTP.


It is anticipated that construction will go to tender by August 9, 2021 with a contractor selected by September 3, 2021. It is anticipated that construction will begin in January 1, 2022 and will be completed by December 31, 2022.

Document reference number: 1

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