The Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated (JCCBI) has determined that the HMP0005 project is not likely to have significant adverse environmental impacts.

It has made this determination based on the following factors:

  • The impacts on the rights of Indigenous peoples
  • Indigenous knowledge
  • Community knowledge
  • Comments received from the public
  • Mitigation measures that are technically and economically feasible

The mitigation measures considered to make this determination are the following:

  • All measures to protect the natural environment, protect flora and fauna, control nuisances, manage contaminated soils, manage wastewater, and control hazardous and residual materials are included in JCCBI's standardized specifications.
  • Measures specific to the peregrine falcon, a species considered endangered in Canada and designated as vulnerable in Quebec, as there is an active nesting site located near the work area:
    • The Contractor carrying out the work must avoid any negative impacts particularly during this species' nesting period from April 1 to August 1. The Contractor must also refer to JCCBI's 2020 report on the nesting status of the peregrine falcon and cliff swallows on its structures and management recommendations for 2021 ("État de la nidification du faucon pèlerin et de l'hirondelle à front blanc en 2020 sur les structures de PJCCI et recommandations de gestion pour 2021"). This report states that sections where the nesting sites are located must be avoided, that any falcons in the area must be noted, and that work must be temporarily suspended if a falcon nesting site is found within 100 m or if a falcon exhibits territorial behaviour.
    • An avifauna management company has been retained to track the behaviour of the peregrine falcon during the nesting period.
  • Specific measures for cliff swallows, as a nest is located near the vicinity of the site:
    • The Contractor carrying out the work must avoid any negative impacts particularly during the nesting period of this species from April 15 to August 31. The Contractor must also refer to JCCBI's 2020 report on the nesting status of the peregrine falcon and cliff swallows on its structures and management recommendations for 2021 ("État de la nidification du faucon pèlerin et de l'hirondelle à front blanc en 2020 sur les structures de PJCCI et recommandations de gestion pour 2021"). This report states that nests must not be destroyed, and work must be temporarily suspended whenever a nest is found within 20 m of the work area.
  • Specific measures relating to lead in the paint of the bridge's steel structure.
    • The Contractor must limit as much as possible any work or manoeuvres likely to create lead dust emissions. For example, the Contractor must implement preventive and control measures such as a vacuum system with  high-efficiency particulate air filters for airborne particles or wet cleaning.
  • Specific measures for contaminated soil near the bridge piers.
    • If contaminated soil must be excavated during the contract, the Contractor must prepare and provide JCCBI with a contaminated soil disposal plan in accordance with prevailing laws.

JCCBI is satisfied that the project is unlikely to cause adverse environmental impacts. Furthermore, a supervision firm has been retained to continuously monitor the work and ensure that the planned measures are followed.

JCCBI will therefore go ahead and allow the project to proceed, either in whole or in part.

Document reference number: 5

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