February 14, 2021 - Indigenous Services Canada has determined that the proposed Muskeg Lake Cree Nation - Construction of commercial/retail building is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

The determination was based on a consideration of the following factors:

-MLCN Investment Management Corp made an application for financial assistance through the Community Opportunities Readiness Program
-Muskeg Lake Cree Nation members will benefit from revenue from the commercial/retail building
-no comments were received during the public commenting period

Implementation of mitigation measures is required for the project to address potential environmental effects related to:

-The site will be operated in compliance with local and national requirements/standards.
-Non-recyclable solid waste and/or construction debris generated during construction will be disposed of at the COS Landfill. Volatile materials used during construction (e.g. paint thinners, paints, etc.) will be collected, recycled or disposed of at a provincially certified facility licensed to accept such waste. All materials utilized at the site during construction will be securely stored on site.
-Spill containment kits will be placed in the storage area to respond to spills that have the potential to impact migrate offsite and/or impact the environment. Construction equipment will be well maintained to minimize fumes and idling of vehicles and construction equipment will not be allowed. Equipment will be checked regularly for leaks and kept in good repair.
-If required dust will be controlled by misting exposed soil with water or inert chemicals.
-An Emergency Plan will be developed for the site and site personnel will be trained on the implementation of the plan including use of emergency spill containment equipment and handling/disposal of potentially contaminated materials. Fuelling locations will be at least 100 m away from areas that could conduct spills into drainage pathways.
-Care will be taken to ensure that sediments do not leave the site and if required controls (e.g., settling ponds, silt fences, etc.) will be implemented during construction to reduce the erosion the potential
-Earthwork will be limited on windy (>40 km/hr) days to reduce dust production.

Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) is satisfied that the carrying out of the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. If applicable, environmental effects that are within provincial jurisdiction would be addressed through provincial regulations. Therefore, Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) may carry out the project, exercise any power, perform any duty or function, or provide financial assistance to enable the project to be carried out in whole or in part.

Document reference number: 2

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