Notice of Determination for Pelican Lake Timber Harvesting Plan 2021-22

February 1, 2021 - Indigenous Services Canada has determined that the proposed Pelican Lake Timber Harvesting Plan is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

The determination was based on the following factors:
   - by Band Council Resolution, Pelican Lake First Nation requested that Indigenous Services Canada issue a Timber permit to Tolko
 -Pelican Lake First Nation will receive resource revenue which benefits the First Nation and its membership
  -no public comments were received concerning the project
  -mitigation measures outlined in Operations and Harvesting Plan

Implementation of mitigation measures is required for the project to address:
   -riparian setbacks
   -Tolko will follow best practices and requirements outlined in the Forest Operations Standards, and related to guidelines for Aquatic Habitat Protection Permit in the Forest Management Area
  -fuel storage and machinery refueling practices
  -potential bird nesting sites

Indigenous Services Canada is satisfied that the carrying out of the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

Document reference number: 2

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