Notice of Intent to Make a determination

Standing Buffalo Dakota Nation - Solid Waste Transfer Station - Public Comments Invited

November 30, 2020 - Indigenous Services Canada must determine whether the proposed Standing Buffalo Dakota Nation - Solid Waste Transfer Station, located on Standing Buffalo IR 78 is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. To help inform this determination, Indigenous Services Canada is inviting comment from the public respecting that determination.

Written comments must be submitted by December 30, 2020 to:

Indigenous Services Canada
SK Region, Environment Unit
1827 Albert Street
Regina, SK S4P 2S9

 The Proposed Project

The scope of the work for the Standing Buffalo Dakota Nation Solid Waste Transfer Station Project includes the pre-design, design, and construction of a solid waste transfer station on NW-03-22-14-W2 located on Standing Buffalo IR 78.  The Project will also include the purchase of a compactor collection truck, household waste bins, and recycling bins for community users.

New infrastructure will include: 

- New solid waste transfer station including all site work (ramp, retaining walls, collection bins, fencing, landscaping, etc.) and a heated attendant building c/w roof-mounted solar panels
- Upgrades to site access road
- New electrical service from SaskPower
- New local waste collection truck and household collection bins

Solid waste generated during construction will be disposed of at an approved landfill.
Liquid, gaseous and hazardous waste are not expected to be generated during construction. Once commissioned, the facility itself will accept solid waste generated in the community.

Document reference number: 1

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