Public Comment Period on Intent to Make a Determination
Royal Roads University Sustainability Initiative – Overhead Service Upgrades (Lower Campus)

November 19, 2020 — The Department of National Defence must decide whether the proposed project is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

To help inform this decision, the Department of National Defence is inviting comments from the public on the project and its potential effects on the environment. All comments received will be considered public. For more information, individuals should consult the Privacy Notice on the Registry website.

Written comments must be submitted by November 29, 2020 to:
Becky MacInnis, P.Chem., P.Ag.
Environment Officer / MARPAC Formation Safety and Environment
Mailing Address : Formation Safety and Environment, Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt
Post Office Box 17000 Station Forces V9A 7N2

The Proposed Project

As part of Royal Road University's (RRU's) ongoing greenhouse gas reduction initiatives, existing gas boilers are to be replaced with electric boilers at numerous buildings on the lower campus, in and around the campus greenhouse areas. The boiler works will all be interior within existing buildings. To facilitate the increased electrical load, RRUwill first need to upgrade the electrical servicing to these buildings. Upgrades will include overhead and underground service lines, within the same general area as the existing electrical service infrastructure. Linear trenching is estimated to be 100 metres, approximately 1 metre wide x 1 metre depth. New conduit will displace existing soil, and after backfilling, approximately 100m3 of residual soil is expected. Overhead works will mimic what already exists. Some new 45-Class poles will be installed adjacent to or in replacement of existing poles.

All overhead and underground works will be along or adjacent to existing roadways, driveways, and gravel paths.

All overhead lines to be installed to CAN/CSA (Canadian Standards Association) C22.3 No.1-15 Overhead Systems Standards.

Work is expected to commence in January 2021, and be complete prior to March 31st 2021.

The work area is not within 30 metres of a watercourse, and will not affect any SARA (Species at Risk Act)-listed species critical habitat or residences (including vacant Barn Swallow nests). Work does not overlap with any areas of known contamination or high archaeological potential.

Document reference number: 1

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