Notice of determination 

Extension to expiry date of Project Permit No. 18-027: Dredging to deepen berth 1 at Neptune Bulk Terminals

September 30, 2020 – The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority has determined that the proposed extension to expiry date of Project Permit No. 18-027: Dredging to deepen berth 1 at Neptune Bulk Terminals to February 28, 2021 is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

This determination was based on a consideration of the following factors: 

  • Impacts on rights of Indigenous peoples  
  • Indigenous knowledge 
  • Community knowledge 
  • Comments received from the public 
  • Technically and economically feasible mitigation measures 

Mitigation measures taken into account for this determination are:  

  • Activities likely to generate noise are to be concentrated to daytime hours 
  • Turning off diesel engines and using electric power when possible 
  • Using strobe lights in combination with lower volume back-up alarms when appropriate 
  • Placing lights at low levels and directing them away from residential areas and using black screens for welding 
  • Avoiding the use of high-noise power tools and using synthetic hammers instead of steel hammers 
  • There will be no in-water works during the fisheries sensitive period from March 1 to August 15, inclusive 
  • All conditions of Project Permit 18-027 continue to apply during extended work hours 

The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority is satisfied that the carrying out of the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. 

Therefore, the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority may carry out the project, exercise any power, perform any duty or function, or provide financial assistance to enable the project to be carried out in whole or in part. 

Document reference number: 2

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