Abegweit Cemetery Project/Healing Garden - Public Comments Invited

September 11, 2020 - Indigenous Services Canada and the Department of Canadian Heritage must determine whether the proposed Abegweit Cemetery Project/Healing Garden, located in Scotchford IR 4 is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. To help inform this determination, Indigenous Services Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination.

Written comments must be submitted by October 11, 2020 to:

Indigenous Services Canada

PO BOX 160 Amherst, NS

B4H 3Z3


The Proposed Project - The objectives of the proposed Abegweit Commemoration Project are focused on establishing a place on the Scotchfort reserve for Abegweit First Nation members to respect their beliefs and traditions within their own community when a loved one or family member passes away.

The project's primary objectives are as follows:

- to establish a cemetery on the Scotchfort reserve to allow Abegweit First Nation community members to have a place to lay their loved ones to rest in accordance with their beliefs and traditions; 

-  to enable Abegweit First Nation community members to bring their loved ones home, including a number of veterans, from their current places of rest which are located in cemeteries outside of their home community; 

-  to commission and erect a memorial cenotaph for Abegweit First Nation veterans who cannot be returned home; and

- to create a building or enclosed space, to host ceremonies, celebrations, or related events near the cemetery.

Document reference number: 1

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