Project Title

In progress

Project on Federal Lands

The project is estimated to start August, 2020  and be completed by March 31, 2021.

Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard

The first portion of the  project involves the removal of the existing wharf waterline infrastructure components and the installation of a new piping and an above grade sump pump system. The second part involves the replacement of the existing water and fire supply system piping, valve and hydrant system for the wharf area which will involve a new buried water and fire supply system  piping, valves and hydrant. The project will occur in the same footprint therefore, there will be very little new ground disturbance for this task. This project is in support of the overall IOS wharf refurbishment project.

The Institute of Ocean Sciences is located in Sidney BC. The site lies on the eastern shore of the Saanich Inlet which runs out into Haro Strait.

Other – Wharf repair

Michael Liang,  Real Property & Technical Support

Fisheries and Oceans Canada Real Property Technical Services Pacific Region

Tel: (604) 666 - 6491; Fax (604) 666 - 4725

Fisheries and Oceans Canada-Real Property Safety and Security, Real Property & Technical Support

Reference Number: 80841

Document reference number: 1

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