May 29, 2020 – Indigenous Services Canada has determined that the proposed Shoal Lake 40 New K-8 School is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

The determination was based on a consideration of the following factors:

  • There will be positive impacts on the rights of Indigenous peoples, associated with the construction of a new school that will provide a safe learning environment for children in Shoal Lake 40;
  • During construction activities mitigation measures to ensure the protection of the environment, an safety of members of the community will be implemented.  Mitigation measures proposed for the project have been prepared and reviewed by ISC.

Implementation of mitigation measures is required for the project to address:

  • Surface and groundwater – increased suspended sediment levels in surface water.
    • Install straw log ditch-check/slope interrupters/silt fence and erosion control blankets, as required
    • Revegetate disturbed areas
    • Inspect erosion control measures until vegetation is established
  • Surface water/groundwater: impacts from leaks and accidental spills an releases of fuels or other hazardous substances
    • Do not store fuel on site and designate refueling areas with secondary containment
    • Provide spill clean-up equipment and materials
    • Store hazardous materials in approved containers
    • Provide an emergency spill response plan
    • Contain and clean up spills immediately to prevent contaminant run-off
  • Vegetation: loss and disturbance of terrestrial vegetation during site preparation and construction
    • Limit construction activities to designated and previously cleared areas
    • Revegetate disturbed or reclaimed areas
  • Migratory birds: loss, fragmentation and disturbance of bird habitat from vegetation clearing during site preparation
    • Schedule clearing prior to critical nesting and rearing periods
    • Limit construction activities to designated and previously cleared areas
  • Migratory birds: disturbance by dust and noise from equipment, from excavation and potentially  by vehicle collisions during construction
    • Use approved dust suppressant
    • Minimize activities during high wind events
    • Cover loads being hauled
    • Limit noise-creating activities
    • Muffle vehicles and equipment and limit unnecessary idling
    • Adhere to speed limits
  • Air and noise: increased levels of NO, SO2, greenhouse gases and volatile organic compounds from equipment and vehicle emissions
    • Use low Sulphur fuels where available
    • Ensure maintenance of equipment and vehicles
    • Limit unnecessary idling
  • Air and noise: increased fugitive dust from site preparation and construction
    • Use approved dust suppressant
    • Minimize activities during high wind events
    • Cover stockpiled materials
    • Adhere to speed limits
    • Cover loads to being hauled
    • Re-establish vegetation on disturbed areas
  • Air and noise: increase in noise and vibrations during construction associated with truck traffic and use of heavy machinery
    • Operate machinery during daytime hours
    • Install signage warning about elevated noise levels
    • Provide hearing protection for workers
  • Socio-economic, culture and heritage: increase risk to human health and safety during construction associated with truck traffic and use of heavy machinery
    • Post construction warning signs
    • Control vehicle speed
    • Inform nearby residents of the intended construction dates
    • Use traffic signs, fences/barricades for safety
    • Conduct safety briefings and pre-construction meetings
    • Limit operation of machinery to daytime hours

Indigenous Services Canada is satisfied that that the carrying out of the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

Therefore, Indigenous Services Canada may carry out the project, exercise any power, perform any duty or function, or provide financial assistance to enable the project to be carried out in whole or in part.

Document reference number: 2

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