Public Notice

Maintenance dredging – Centerm - Public Comments Invited

May 26 2020 – As part of its Project and Environmental Review process, the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority must determine whether the proposed Maintenance dredging, located at in the water lot immediately north of port authority lease VAN032-04357F-009 at 777 Centennial Road, Vancouver,  is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. Written comments to be submitted by June 24, 2020.

To help inform this determination and a decision on whether or not to approve the proposed project, the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination. All comments received will be considered public and may be posted online. For more information, individuals should consult the Privacy Notice on the Registry website.

Written comments must be submitted by June 24, 2020 via the online commenting tool or to:

Vancouver Fraser Port Authority
Project and Environmental Review
100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place
Vancouver, B.C. Canada  V6C 3T4

The Proposed Project

The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority proposes to conduct maintenance dredging in the berths at the Centerm Terminal at 777 Centennial Road, Vancouver, B.C. The project consists of dredging no more than 10,000 cubic meters at Centerm berths 5 and 6. The dredge footprint consists of the removal of irregular higher areas of sediment that have accumulated within berths 5 and 6. The proposed works will be completed with a marine spud derrick equipped with a clamshell bucket. Dredged material will be loaded onto a scow and transported to the Point Grey disposal at sea site. Environment and Climate Change Canada issued a Disposal at Sea permit no. 4543-2-03719 to the permit holder on January 23, 2018. If approved, the dredging is scheduled for September 1. Work will take up to 10 days over three months, and will occur within the least risk fisheries window.

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