Okanagan Indian Band Gravel Pit Reactivation – Public Comments Invited

May 20, 2020 – Indigenous Services Canada must determine whether the proposed Okanagan Indian Band Gravel Pit Reactivation located on Okanagan Indian Reserve No. 1 is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. To help inform this determination, Indigenous Services Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination.

Written comments must be submitted by June 20, 2020 to:

Terence Lai
600-1138 Melville St
Vancouver, BC
V6E 4S3


The Proposed Project

OKIB Assets LP is proposing to reactivate an existing gravel pit on Okanagan Indian Reserve No. 1.  The OKIB pit is located on an extensive sand and gravel terrace.  The sand and gravels comprising this deposit are estimated to be approximately at least 40 to 50 m thick estimated to weigh 12,000,000 tonnes.  The entire aggregate operation is expected to encompass an area identified to be less than 40 hectares.  The present plan is to continue the development of the Lot 184 pit in a northeasterly direction, following the most suitable aggregate reserves.  4 operational phases have been identified within the aggregate reserves designed with progressive reclamation as mining progresses through the phases.  Lot 192 will be mined as the operation progresses through Phases 3 and 4.  OKIB Assets LP estimates that seasonally adjusted market demand for aggregates will be in the range of 150,000 to 250,000 tonnes per year.

Document reference number: 1

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