Notice of intent to make a determination Obashkaandagaang First Nation Water Treatment Project - Public Comments Invited October 9, 2019 - Indigenous Services Canada must determine whether the proposed Obashkaandagaang First Nation Water Treatment Project, located in Obashkaandagaang First Nation is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. To help inform this determination, Indigenous Services Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination. Written comments must be submitted by November 8, 2019 to: Michael King 100 Anemki Drive Fort William First Nation P7J 1A5 e-mail: The Proposed Project The Obashkaandagaang First Nation requires a new water treatment plant (WTP) and storage reservoir to replace the non-operating water treatment system currently in the community. The project will include installing a water intake pipe into the Lake of the Woods approximately 75 m off of the shore, a backwash outfall pipe approximately 95 m from the shore, constructing a new WTP building with below ground concrete reservoir and installing water service piping throughout the west end of the community. The water treatment system will be sized for fire flows to design year 20, based on projected population growth. The infrastructure for this project includes: New WTP building with treatment and disinfection equipment, a below grade concrete water reservoir under the WTP building , a genset for backup power, a granular approach and parking area around WTP building, electricity and communication lines to the WTP building, a septic field for the WTP wastewater, a 75 m water intake pipe into Lake of the Woods, a 95 m backwash outfall pipe into Lake of the Woods, distribution pumps and 1,165 m of watermain piping.

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