Notice of intent to make a determination

Windigo Island - Water Treatment Project – Public Comments Invited

October 07, 2019 – Indigenous Services Canada must determine whether the proposed Windigo Island Water Treatment Project, located in Animakee Wa Zhing First Nation 37 is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. To help inform this determination, Indigenous Services Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination.

Written comments must be submitted by November 07, 2019 to:

Aaron Pervais

Indigenous Services Canada, 100 Anemki Place, Suite 101, Fort William First Nation, ON

The Proposed Project

The Animakee Wa Zing First Nation community of Windigo Island requires a new water treatment plant

(WTP) and storage reservoir to replace the exsiting water treatment system currently in the community.

The project will include installing two new water intake pipes into the Lake of the Woods approximately

150 m off of the shore, a new reject water outfall pipe approximately 100 m into the lake, constructing a

new WTP building adjacent to the existing WTP, installing above ground water reservoir tanks, installing

a marine crossing pipe between Windigo Island and Windfall Island, installing six dry hydrants into the

lake for fire flows and extending the watermains to unserviced houses in the community. The water

treatment system will be sized for the to design year 20, based on projected population growth.

Document reference number: 1

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