Notice of Commencement of an Environmental Assessment

Highway 905 - All Weather Roadway - Stony Rapids to Lake Athabasca near Fond-du-Lac
Stony Rapids (SK)

August 16, 2010 (Updated December 20, 2010) -- Under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (the Act), the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is responsible for exercising the powers and performing the duties and functions of the responsible authority for certain projects subject to a comprehensive study.

Based on information it has received, the Agency has determined that the project is described in the comprehensive study list and that an environmental assessment pursuant to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act is required. As a result, a comprehensive study commenced on August 16, 2010.

The project includes: 88.5 kilometres of all-weather road; watercourse crossings; temporary structures, including construction roads, work camps and water withdrawal facilities; aggregate and borrow pits; and all physical works and undertakings associated with the fish habitat compensation plan.

An environmental assessment is required in relation to the project because Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada may take action in relation to subsection 35(1) of the Indian Act; Fisheries and Oceans Canada may take action in relation to subsection 35(2) of the Fisheries Act and Transport Canada may take action in relation to section 5 of the Navigable Waters Protection Act.

This project is also subject to the environmental assessment requirements of the Government of Saskatchewan.

For further information on this environmental assessment, please contact:
Highway 905
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Peter Boothroyd, Project Manager
101-167 Lombard Avenue
Winnipeg  MB  R3B 0T6
Telephone : 204-983-5127
Fax : 204-983-7174
Email :

and refer to Registry reference number 10-03-57501

Document reference number: 6

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