From the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency to Atlantic Gold Corporation re: Information Request Regarding Intentions to Expand the Fifteen Mile Stream Gold Project

Suite 200
1801 Hollis Street
Halifax Ns B3J 3N4

Bureau 200
1801 rue Hollis
Halifax, NE B3J 3N4

May 29, 2019

Sent by E-mail

James Millard
Manager Environment and Permitting
Atlantic Gold Corporation

Dear Mr. Millard:

SUBJECT: Fifteen Mile Stream Gold Project

Through discussion with Atlantic Gold, publically available documentation (e.g. media releases; Moose River Consolidated Mine NI 43-101 Technical Report) and comments from the public and Indigenous groups, the Agency is aware of plans to expand mining activities at the Fifteen Mile Stream Gold Project beyond those identified in the Project Description upon which the Environmental Impact Statement Guidelines were developed (

Prior to the submission of the Environmental Impact Statement, the Agency requires information outlining Atlantic Gold's intentions to expand the project. The response should provide clarity surrounding the timing and extent of the potential expansion, and the planned schedule to obtain any required federal or provincial environmental assessment approvals. The Agency will use this information to understand the implications of this expansion, if any, to the ongoing federal environmental assessment.

Your prompt attention to this request is much appreciated. Please contact Melanie Smith ( with any questions.


<Original signed by>

Mike Atkinson
Regional Director, Atlantic Region
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency

Helen MacPhail, Nova Scotia Environment
Bridget Tutty, Nova Scotia Environment

Document reference number: 14

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