Updated Public Notice
Suncor Energy Coke Fired Boiler Replacement Project — Public Comments Invited

Update — January 4, 2018 — The deadline to submit written comments has been extended from January 8 to January 12, 2018. The Agency is aware that some members of the public may not have been able to provide comments or access the Registry Internet site due to a technical issue that occurred between December 30, 2017 - January 2, 2018. The issue is now resolved. As a result, the Agency has extended the deadline for the submission of public comments to January 12, 2018.

December 18, 2017 – The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Suncor Energy Coke Fired Boiler Replacement Project, located in Alberta.

To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.

All comments received will be considered public. Written comments in either official language must be submitted by January 8, 2018 to:

Suncor Energy Coke Fired Boiler Replacement Project
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
1145-9700 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4C3
Telephone: 780-495-2037
Email: ceaa.PNR-RPN.acee@ceaa-acee.gc.ca

Map depicting the location of the project, as described in the current document.

To view a summary of the project description or for more information, visit the Agency's website at canada.ca/ceaa (Registry reference number 80144).

For more information on the Agency's privacy policies, consult the Privacy Notice on its website at canada.ca/ceaa.

The Proposed Project

Suncor Energy Inc. is proposing the construction and operation of two new natural gas fired cogeneration units capable of producing 700 megawatts of power located at the Suncor Base Plant, approximately 30 kilometres north of Fort McMurray, Alberta. Once the natural gas fired cogeneration units are operational, the three existing coke-fired boilers within the Base Plant footprint would be decommissioned. Project components would include two cogeneration units for steam/electrical production and supporting structures including a pump house, an electrical building, a new 260 kilovolts substation within plant facilities, a natural gas supply pipeline, and two new transmission lines to export electricity from the plant.

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