From the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency to IDM Mining Ltd. re: Conformity of the Environmental Impact Statement

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Document reference number: 21

Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
PO Box 10114
701 West Georgia Street
Suite 410
Vancouver, British Columbia
V7Y 1C6

Agence canadienne d'évaluation environnementale
Boite postale 10114
701 rue Georgia ouest
Bureau 410
Vancouver (Colombie-Britannique)
V7Y 1C6

November 1, 2017

File no.: 005533

Michael McPhie
Executive Chairman
IDM Mining Ltd.
Suite 1500 - 409 Granville St.
Vancouver, BC  V6C 1T2

Dear Mr. McPhie:

Re: Commencement of Technical Review of the Environmental Impact Statement for the Red Mountain Underground Gold Project

On October 23, 2017, the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) received IDM Mining Ltd.'s revised "Red Mountain Underground Gold Project Environmental Assessment Application and Environmental Impact Statement" (EIS/Application) for the Red Mountain Underground Gold Project (the Project). The Agency has determined that the EIS/Application meets the information requirements, as outlined in the federal EIS Guidelines, to proceed to technical review.

As part of the technical review, the Agency will post the EIS/Application and EIS Summary on the Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry (reference number: 80093) and hold a 30-day public comment period on the EIS Summary. The EIS will also be subject to a detailed review by the Agency, Indigenous groups, and the technical working group.

The federal timeline for conducting the environmental assessment resumes as of today, at day 71 of 365. The Agency may pause the federal timeline again if it determines that additional information from IDM Mining Ltd. is required during the technical review.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information. I can be reached at 604-666-9162 or


<Original signed by>

Andrea Raska
Project Manager, Pacific and Yukon Region


Max Brownhill, Falkirk Resource Consultants Ltd.
Jasmin Flores, Falkirk Resource Consultants Ltd.
Claire Backus, Catana Consulting Ltd.
Lindsay Luke, British Columbia Environmental Assessment Office
Ian Bergsma, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Jennifer Dorr, Natural Resources Canada
Nadine Parker, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Paula Smith, Health Canada
Yota Hatziantoniou, Health Canada
Tim Archer, Major Projects Management Office
Collier Azak, Nisga'a Lisims Government
Mansell Griffin, Nisga'a Lisims Government
Darlene Simpson, Tsetsaut/Skii km Lax Ha
Chris Gall, Métis Nation British Columbia

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