News Release
Howse Property Iron Mine Project — Public Comments Invited

April 20, 2016 — Ottawa — Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is conducting a federal environmental assessment of the proposed Howse Property Iron Mine Project, located in Newfoundland and Labrador.

The Agency invites the public to comment on the potential environmental effects of the project and the proposed measures to prevent or mitigate those effects as described in a summary of the proponent's Environmental Impact Statement.

This is the third of four opportunities for the public to comment on this project. All comments received will be considered public.

Written comments must be submitted by May 25, 2016 to:

Howse Property Iron Mine Project
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
200-1801 Hollis Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3N4
Telephone: 902-426-0564
Fax: 902-426-6550

The project is also subject to review under Newfoundland and Labrador's Environmental Protection Act and Environmental Assessment Regulations, and is undergoing a separate environmental assessment with the provincial Department of Environment and Conservation. Information on the provincial comment period can be found online at

Quick Facts

  • The summary of the Environmental Impact Statement and more information on this project are available on the Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry website, reference number 80067.
  • A public comment period on the draft Environmental Assessment Report and the potential environmental assessment conditions will be announced at a later date.

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Media Relations

Christian Vezeau
Communications Manager
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency

Follow us on Twitter: @CEAA_ACEE

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