Public Notice
Environmental Assessment of the Proposed Harper Creek Mine Project — Public Comment Period and Information Session

Harper Creek Mining Corp. proposes the construction and operation of an open-pit mine located 90 kilometres northeast of Kamloops, British Columbia (B.C.). The Harper Creek Mine Project is expected to produce 70,000 tons of copper-gold-silver ore per day (25 million tons per year) over a mine life of 28 years.

The Harper Creek Mine Project is subject to review under both the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act and B.C.'s Environmental Assessment Act and is undergoing a coordinated environmental assessment.

Public Comment Period

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) and B.C.'s Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) are inviting the public to comment on the Application / Environmental Impact Statement (Application / EIS) submitted by the proponent, Harper Creek Mining Corp. The Application / EIS describes the project and its potential to cause environmental, heritage, health, social, and economic effects.

A copy of the complete Application / EIS is available online at and at, along with a shorter summary of the document and additional information about the environmental assessment process.

The public comment period is from February 19, 2015 to March 21, 2015. The Agency and the EAO accept public comments during this time submitted by any of the following means:

By Online


By Fax: 250-387-2208

By mail:

Zoltan Fabian
Project Manager
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
410-701 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V7Y 1C6


Karen Christie, Executive Project Director
Environmental Assessment Office
PO Box 9426 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, British Columbia V8W 9V1

The Agency accepts comments in English or in French. Any comments only need to be submitted once to either the Agency or the EAO to be considered for both the provincial and federal environmental assessments.

Copies of the summary and the complete Application / EIS are also available for viewing at these locations:

  • Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
    Vancouver, British Columbia
    Viewing by appointment only
    Telephone: 604-666-2431
  • Thompson-Nicola Regional District Library System (Clearwater)
    422 Murtle Crescent
    Clearwater, British Columbia
  • Thompson-Nicola Regional District Library System (Kamloops)
    465 Victoria Street
    Kamloops, British Columbia

Information Session

The following information session will be held during the comment period:

February 24, 2015, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Dutch Lake Community Centre
209 Dutch Lake Road
Clearwater, British Columbia

Information on the Harper Creek Mine Project and the Application / EIS will be available for viewing at the information session, and interested individuals will be able to speak with provincial and federal representatives and Harper Creek Mining Corp.'s technical team.

Next Steps

The Agency and the EAO will consider the public comments received, along with the information in the Application / EIS, in preparing their environmental assessment reports. The environmental assessment for the project will also include one final federal public comment period on the Agency's environmental assessment report, which will be advertised at a later date.

All submissions received by the Agency and the EAO during the comment period in relation to the Harper Creek Mine Project are considered public. Comments will be posted to the EAO website and will become part of the Agency project file.

Document reference number: 11

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