From the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency to Howse Mineral Limited re: Information Request CEAA 105

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Document reference number: 26

From: Howse Pit Project [CEAA]
Sent: Mon 15/05/2017 3:11 PM
To: Didillon, Loic
Cc: Mariana Trindade; Mackenzie, Armand; Ponsford, Catherine [CEAA]
Subject: Follow-Up from Meeting – Information Required

Hi Loic,

We appreciated the opportunity to meet with you last week. I hope you found the meeting useful.

As a follow-up to our meeting, and to assist HML in preparing the additional information for submission to the Agency, please find attached an information request that formalizes the information requirements explored in the meeting. As discussed, the Agency will need to accurately describe the current project design and the potential environmental effects of that design in its EA Report.

The format of the response to this information request is at your discretion. It can be submitted separately as a technical memo, addendum to the EIS, or other document. Keep in mind, the Agency will post the document on its Registry website, and distribute it for external review.

While HML addresses the issues raised and prepares its response, the Agency will continue its review and analysis of the information provided to date, and prepare for the next phase of the environmental assessment process.

Once you have submitted complete responses to all outstanding Information Requests, the Agency will take a period of up to 15 days to form an opinion on whether the requested information has been provided. If the Agency determines the response is complete, the federal timeline will resume and the Agency will continue the technical review. The Agency will notify you of the outcome of the review.

If you have any questions or wish to discuss any of the above matters, don't hesitate to get in touch.


Joe Vigder, MREM

Project Manager, Atlantic Region
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency / Government of Canada / Tel: 902-426-4951

Gestionnaire de projets, région atlantique
Agence canadienne d'évaluation environnementale / Gouvernement du Canada / Tél: 902-426-4951

Howse Property Iron Mine Project
Information Request (CEAA 105)

Context and Rationale: Based on recent discussions with Howse Minerals Limited (the proponent), the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) understands that the proponent intends to modify the Howse Project's proposed water management strategy and related infrastructure. These modifications arise from the work done to answer Information Requests (IRs) CEAA 16 through 20 (Round 1, Part 1). Based on the meeting between the Agency and the proponent on May 10, 2017, the Agency understands that the proponent intends to submit details and information regarding the new proposal in combination with its responses to IRs CEAA 16 through 20 (Round 1, Part 1).

The purpose of this IR is to ensure the proponent submits this information in sufficient detail for the Agency to prepare its EA Report. As discussed during the meeting of May 10, 2017, the Agency will need to accurately describe the current project design and the potential environmental effects of that current design in its EA Report.

Applicable CEAA 2012 effect(s): 5(1)(a) and 5(1)(c)

EIS Guidelines Reference: Part 2, Sections 3 Project Description; 6.2.2 Changes to Groundwater and Surface Water; 6.3.1 Fish and Fish Habitat; 6.3.2 Migratory Birds; 6.3.4 Aboriginal peoples; and others

Specific Question or Request: Provide a description of the updated proposal, including its design, layout, infrastructure, operation, and management. Describe any changes to the water management strategy, including, but not limited to, changes to the water management plan, infrastructure design criteria, effluent quality, effluent treatment considerations, water balance, and alternatives considered. Clearly state and provide sufficient justification if key elements of the proposed water management strategy would not change as a result of the modifications.

In addition to providing sufficient detail describing the newly proposed water management strategy, update the effects assessment, as appropriate. Consider and describe any potential changes to the predicted effects that may result from the new project design as well as the updated outcomes of the groundwater modelling. This would include, but is not limited to, the consideration and description of:

  • changes to groundwater and surface water, including water quantity and quality;
  • changes to the predicted effects on fish and fish habitat;
  • changes to the predicted effects on migratory birds, including changes to wetlands; and,
  • changes to the predicted effects on Indigenous peoples from changes to the environment caused by the Project.
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