Public Notice
Dumont Nickel Mine Project — Public Comments Invited

May 19, 2015 — The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is conducting a comprehensive study type environmental assessment of the proposed Dumont Nickel Mine Project, located in Quebec. The Agency invites the public to comment on the Comprehensive Study Report for the project.

The Comprehensive Study Report includes the Agency's conclusions and recommendations regarding the implementation of mitigation measures and whether or not the project is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

Written comments must be sent by June 18, 2015 to:

Dumont Nickel Mine Project
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
901-1550 d'Estimauville Avenue
Québec, Quebec  G1J 0C1
Telephone: 418-649-6444
Fax: 418-649-6443

Map depicting the location of the project, as described in the current document.

The Comprehensive Study Report and more information on the project are available on the Agency's website (Registry reference number 66976).

Copies of the Comprehensive Study Report are also available for viewing at the following locations:

  • Municipality of Launay
    843 Des Pionniers Street
    Launay, Quebec
  • Abitibiwinni First Nation Council
    55 Migwan Street
    Pikogan, Quebec

This is the third and final public comment period on the environmental assessment of this project. All comments received will be considered public. The Minister of the Environment will take into consideration the Comprehensive Study Report, along with comments received from the public and Aboriginal groups, and issue an environmental assessment decision statement.

This project is being assessed using a science-based approach under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (the former Act).

The Proposed Project

Royal Nickel Corporation is proposing the construction, operation and decommissioning of an open pit mine for the purpose of mining a nickel deposit located 25 kilometres northwest of Amos, Quebec. The proponent plans to extract ore for 19 years, process higher-grade ore and, during this time, build up a temporary stockpile of lower-grade ore. At the end of the mining phase, the stockpiled lower-grade ore will be used to feed the mill for another 12 years, at which time the mine complex will be closed after 31 years of operation. The ore treatment facility will have an initial capacity of 52,500 tonnes per day, but will reach 105,000 tonnes per day by the fifth year of mining operations.

Document reference number: 16

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